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SoHyunjin blonde again and Jisung dark hair hm

Gotta go cry I love them


Alexa play Eleven by Ive.


Seungmin was not listening at all.

He was too mad at himself.

He knew he could not simply throw himself to Hyunjin, but he had a bunch of opportunities to try and make skinship with the older and didn't take a single one because he was a coward.

He could say Hyunjin made more moves than he did if he didn't know his were totally platonic.

Every hand on his hips, every pinch to his cheeks, every whisper next to him.

But even though he knew that, he could have tried to get a bit closer, let touches last a bit longer, let their eyes hold each other's gazes for just one more second.

But no. He was a coward and he panicked all the time at their lessons.

Church was hell that day. He was sitting between his dad and Wonpil on one of the last rows, hoping someone would set on fire or something funnier than that sermon. The people were still talking about Anna and her child, and today's theme was not getting in any of those accidents during prom or anything.

Sin was the word Hyunjin's dad liked the most. Sin, sinners, sinful, all the ways he could use it.

How would he fell about all the ways Seungmin would like to sin with his son?

The boy gulped at his own thought, looking around at the ceiling almost as if wandering if god could hear his thoughts. Was he laughing at him? Judging him? Did he even care?

Doubt was stuck to his mind until the after church group, where everyone ate too much, children were too loud and Hyunjin was practically sold to the town like a goat in the 1600 when a woman was asked in marriage.

Seungmin watched as the long haired awkwardly waved and bowed at people he probably had spoken to once or twice, telling him about how they heard a lot about him. He could also see all the girls lining up to talk to him, all the kids who stared at the guy as if he was some kind of idol, simply because he was the son of the man who taught them so much every Sunday.

"Channie!", Jeongin squealed, running to their group and throwing himself to the oldest, who caught him in his arms, spinning around once before he put the younger on the floor.

Jeongin was the youngest out of all of them, but that didn't stop him from being great friend with the guys. Even though they went to the same school, Jeongin was 4 years younger than Chan, and he was the only guy that could have any physical contact with the older of them without him finding it weird.

Maybe because of the age, maybe because he saw him less times, or because Chan simply liked the guy.

Perhaps it was his innocence. Jeongin loved physical touch, he loved to run around and talk to people, he was simply adored.

Seungmin felt his body twitch as he remembered the talk his dad had had earlier.

"I think he has some problem, no 16 year old goes around hugging his classmates. Specially boys.", the man sighed. "I just want the best for my kid, but he is making it so hard. Look at him. He brushed his hair too much, I saw his put on concealer, he swore it was because of one pimple but I can see it on him right now."

Seungmin's dad nodded, twitching his nose.

"But it's nothing too much, so the kid likes hugs and doesn't want to have pimples, what's wrong with that?"

"You don't get it, he has these ways, these... I don't know. I'm scared he is.. you know, a sinner."

"We all have our sins, what exactly do you mean?"

The man seemed uncomfortable but answered nonetheless.

"What if he thinks he is into boys?"

Seungmin coughed awkwardly as he realized he had kind of blocked off his friends.

"I've been calling you for ages, are you okay?"

"Yes.", he smiled at Felix. "I need to go catch some air, I'll see you guys later."

He left the building they did the group at, next to church, and let the cold air hit his face, walking in the snow to the usual spot he used to run away from people, behind the church.

This time he was not alone though.

They both froze as they saw one another. Seungmin had let the first two buttons of his shirt loosen up, something he could not have done inside, and his head was covered by fluffy snow, while Hyunjin held his jacket close to his body on his arm and had a cigarette in his hand, the smoke almost making the snow seem to change color.

"A-Seungmin- I-", he cleared his throat, trying to hide his hand behind his body. "I-it's not what it looks like-"

"Relax, last time I caught someone here it was Chan."

Hyunjin immediately twitched his nose.

"How are you still sane after that?"

"I am not.", Seungmin smiled, walking over to him and holding out a hand. Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows but gave him the cigarettes, which he took to his mouth, inhaling the deadly poison without thinking twice. "So, what is mister perfect doing in the back of the church smoking?"

Hyunjin took the cigarette back, almost letting it fall because he was looking at the younger, the corner of his lips turning up in a smile like it usually happened when he was next to Seungmin.

"I guess you discovered I'm not that perfect, what a shock."

"I might pretend I'm surprised if you pay well.", Seungmin winked, panicking right after, but the older chuckled.

"I guess I have to try hard then. I'm a bit broke, how about you just let me get you a pair to prom?"

Seungmin shrugged.

"I already said I'm not going.", he leaned against the wall next to the other, making the blonde turn his head to be able to look at him.

"You have to. You're getting really good at dancing, why would you not show it off?"

Seungmin chuckled a bit.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

Hyunjin sighed, nodding and trying hard to respect his choice, but words kept playing around in his head.

He meant it. Seungmin was getting better and better.

And he really wanted him to go to prom.

Because he was getting really good at dancing.

Maybe the best of all his students.


I live for little references idc

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