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Winter falls is playing on repeat in my head i can't deal with it tbh

Alexa play Winter falls by straykids.

I managed to write two chapters today but I don't like the last one very much tbh and I'm sad he


Wonpil was not shutting up, and Seungmin had no idea wether to be happy or annoyed at it.

Imagine having to hear your older brother talk for a whole hour about his date to Prom, when you know damn well what they do when their dad isn't home.

While they eat.

The younger put a piece of meat to his mouth and almost spit it out as Wonpil rambled again, starting to talk about sleeping back at her place.

"And her parents are okay with it?", their das raised an eyebrow, knowing the answer by the way he shut up.

Wonpil scratched his neck.

"Well, they won't be there."

"Then you're not going."

The older brother's chin dropped.

"But, dad!"

"No. I don't need trouble with her family, the parents are important in church group, I don't feel like having to deal with them."

The older sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. And you, little puppy?", he threw a bit of food to Seungmin, making his brother sigh and his dad scold him. "Sorry, sorry. Got any date to the prom yet or do you need any help? I know a few girls."

"Yeah, all you know is girls.", Seungmin teased, making their father chuckle as he kept eating.

"And you say that as if it's a bad thing.", Wonpil shrugged. "I can get you a date, you'd just have to ask later."

"I'm fine, thank you though."

"So who are you taking?"

Seungmin sighed, not ready for that conversation once again.

"No one. I'm not going, and don't even bother making a big deal out of it."

Wonpil seemed more confused than surprised at first.

"What? But, Brian said he saw you go in with Hyunjin for the dance lessons.", their dad finally payed attention, looking at his youngest, who stared down at his food like it was extremely interesting. "He thought you were trying to learn to impress some girl or-"

"I am. I just... haven't invited her yet."

His dad furrowed his eyebrows, sipping on his water as Wonpil wiggled his eyebrows.

"And who is her?"

"You don't know her."

"I know everyone.", he snorted. "Come on, why won't you tell us? Oh, I know.", he smiled in a creepy way, making Seungmin's heart nearly stop for a bit. "She's one of the town's sinners, isn't her? That's why you don't want to tell us." Their dad rolled his eyes as Wonpil put a hand over his heart. "Don't worry, Seungmin, only God can judge you, I would never, which one of them is it?"

The town's sinners.

You had Dianna, who admitted to have lost her virginity before marriage, that had been years ago. Please still made a big deal out of it.

You had some woman who had left the town and turned into a stripper for a while to get money for a good life, no one ever looked her in the eye again.

Yejun, who had kissed a girl once, in a game, and never got to enter her house again, family never talked to her again.

Now they had Anna, the newest addition, but there were more.

Small cases of things that people loved to judge, both girls and boys, both young and old, the ones who could no longer be a part of their community.

They were sinners.

Just like Seungmin.

"Don't be silly, stop pestering your brother and eat. It's been long enough and you guys should go to bed early, tomorrow is Saturday and I need help in the morning for grocery shopping."

"Sorry, I was just asking.", Wonpil shrugged. "After all he has to go, or else his romantic life is doomed. I mean, think about it, he never even showed interest for any girl, maybe he's broken. What if-"

"He doesn't need to go to prom, it's not the end of the world, Wonpil.", Their dad said in a tired voice. "The boy is 17, let him take his time, enjoy his teenage years and focus on school, not everything is about girls. I'd rather have him single for a long time than have to deal with him getting someone pregnant like you'll do someday before marriage."

"Don't be dramatic, I am always careful!"

"Yeah well, one day, careful might not be enough.", the man raised his voice a bit, but Wonpil simply rolled his eyes.

"I'm just looking out for him, this is not about me right now. What do you want? Want him to end up alone? Not married? He wants to have kids, you know, he needs a woman for that.", Wonpil chuckled ironically. "Or do you just want him to become a sinner too? Are you that miserable that-"

"Enough. I'm sick and tired of listening to this sinner conversation.", Seungmin trembled a bit as a tar fell from his eyes, one he let dry fast so he wouldn't have to clean it, not wanting to be a man who cries. His dad got up, pointed his finger at Wonpil. "Are you saying I'm a sinner too? Because your mom decided to go and get another man? Another family? It this what that is about?"

"W-what, no da-"

"She made her choice, we've been over this. The town already looks down on our family for her decision."

"For her sin-", Wonpil pressed, and the table got hit by their father's hand. Seungmin whimpering and lowering his head, tired of that.

"She made her choice. I made mine. I have kids and I'm divorced, maybe I'll find someone new one one day and marry twice. If your brother is a sinner for wanting a family but not pressing himself to fall for some girl in this town then I don't know what I am or what you are. We all have sinned. Not only us but this whole town, and god knows it, and he accepts us with our sins, no matter what the church tells us. Wether you believe that or not, it's your problem but I will not have my kids pressuring each other and fighting over their beliefs."

The room grew silent after the speech, his voice string enough to make even the older gulp, playing with his hands on his lap.

"C-can I be excus-"

"Yes. It's not your cleaning day, Seungmin. Go.", his voice was still harsh, but he smiled at his son a bit before the guy used that opportunity to run upstairs.

He didn't even bother having a bath, he'd do it the morning after. He brushed his teeth and plopped into bed in his fully sheets, whining as he remembered he would have to change the the next day as well.

He buried his head in the pillow, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible so he didn't have to think.

About Prom.

About his dad.

About Wonpil.

About church.

About the idiot that made his heart dance along with his body.


Tension lol

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