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Sometimes I wander where on earth I get my ideas like wth is happening in my brain

Alexa okay Take me to Church by Hozier.


"Can you believe that idiot?", Minho groaned as they got together in the back of the church.

"Mr Hwang or Chan?", Jisung threw his scarf to the floor as he let himself slide to the ground, hands around his face, gloves on. "I can't believe that bastard told on him."

"I seriously don't know what's up with him.", Jeongin sighed. "I though he was a good person."

Minho rubbed the smaller's back, spotting a tear but not saying anything about it.

"I hate people sometimes."

"My dad is calling me, I need to go. See you next week?"

"Sure Innie, take care."

They smiled at the younger until he left the back of the building and Minho immediately crouched down next to Jisung, pulling his head up.


"We're screwed. They'll have have eyes on us now because we're his friends, and then they'll find out and we'll be exposed to the whole town. God, Minho, I'm going to lose my scholarship to any out of town university, my parents won't even let me leave the house if they know-"

"I love you."

Jisung's voice died in his throat as he looked at his lover.

"I love you too.", he whispered.

"And that's all that matters, don't worry that pretty little head of yours, okay? Changbin is a strong boy, and we are all going to help him through this. If we all need to get fake girlfriends until the last of us is out of that school and then have to get a job as strippers to pay a house together and a life then so be it.", Jisung chuckled at the older's approach. "Now all that matters is that we stick together and support each other, okay?"

Jisung nodded, giggling as his boyfriend leaned forward to kiss his nose.

"I really love you, Min."

A cloud moved a bit, letting the sun warm the two guys in between the cold.

"See that?", Minho smiled at the sky. "That's God telling us he approves. He loves us just the same."

"You know I don't believe in God, right?"

Minho smiled cutely.

"I do, but I know you believe in us."

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows all of a sudden, startling Minho a bit.

"Where's Felix?"


The Australian had ran away from the church as soon as his parent spotted him.

He couldn't go home. Not yet.

He knew the couple just wanted to take their children away from the mess that lunch was going to be now, after this news, but he kept running, ignoring his phone and everything.

He ran to where he saw Changbin go, entering each street, each corner, each garden.

He needed to find him.

He stopped next to a tree at the park, hearing soft sobs from behind a bush, and he sighed in relief.


The sobs stopped.

He took te turn, realizing why the crying boy had chosen that place. No one could see them there, it was almost fully closed, and Felix had a bit of trouble getting in and kneeling next to a wide eyed Changbin.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Came looking for you, oh my god Changbin, where's your jacket?", Felix almost cried as he saw the single shirt Changbin was wearing in that cold.

"I-it Was hot inside and I didn't have t-the time to grab it."

Felix sighed, taking of his jacket and forcing Changbin to scoot closer to him, pulling him by his hand.

The shorter flinched at the hand that flew to wipe the snow of his head and Felix gulped.



"Dress it, now.", Changbin trembled a bit, taking the jacket and almost crying at the heat, ignoring the way it smelt like Felix.

"W-what are you really doing here? "

Felix bit his lip, sitting next to the older, side by side with him.

"I came looking for you, because I was worried. We might not have known each other for long but I feel like we created a bond.", he fiddled with his fingers. "A bond I was about to beak because Chan put things into my head, and I am so sorry for that."

Changbin couldn't bear looking Felix into his eyes, so he liked behind him, tears still running down his face.

He begged silently for Felix to clean them, or to simply touch him.

He needed Felix.

"It's okay, I would do the same. Maybe I-it's for the b-better. I'm disgusting and-"

"You're never saying that again.", Felix's voice broke as he said it, pulling Changbin closer and cupping his face slightly, sending waves of heat down Changbin's cold body. He forced the older to lock eyes with him, and the both stayed like that for a while. "You're not disgusting. Not a sinner. Wether you believe in God or not, he made us up to his image, and he loved everyone. So how could you be in the wrong being who you really are, if he made you exactly for that purpose?"

Changbin bit his lip, resting his hand on Felix's leg, letting his head fall and hugging his torso. Felix leaned in front to hug him closer, feeling the crock of his neck wet from the tears, and praying the older wouldn't listen to his racing heart, hammering his chest like it wanted to run away.

Holly shit.


"Yes, binnie?", he tried to concentrate as the older pulled away, their faces too close for both guy's mental sanity.

"I can't promise to not, you know?"


Changbin sighed, pulling away even more.

"I know what Chan said to make you feel lie that, and I can't promise to not... f-fell things... for you."

Felix nodded slowly, cupping his hand and smiling at the nervous guy.

"And I can't promise to understand what you're going through, or anything in general. But I can promise to hold your hand through it, and not let go. No matter what, and no matter what means no matter what, literally.", Changbin choked another sob. "Deal?"


Felix pulled him back into the hug, letting the older bury himself so much against his skin that they almost melted to become one. Changbin didn't know where he began and Felix ended anymore.

Maybe all he could get from Felix was a friend but that was more than enough for him, for now.

Felix sighed and buried his face in Changbin's hair, feeling that smell he had learned to love so much. His heart skipped a beat as the shorter adjusted himself in his arms, lazily humming and almost falling asleep in the middle of the snow.

No matter how cold it was, Felix felt warmer than ever.



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