"But they didn't have any problems because no one knows, or people pretend they don't. Like we pretend we don't know about your nights at your neighbor's house.", Hyunjin sat down, halting at Chan. "But if there's no proof, no one cares."

"A baby is a big proof. I hope she'll be okay."

They all stare at the air for a while before Minho finally tried to lighten up the environment a bit.

"So, the classes were good? Anything new?"

"The usual. A bunch of girls that want to go with me to the dance, some even asked today if I wanted to invite them, didn't even wait or pretended to want to learn.", he pouted. "I hate it."

"Quit it then, you gain nothing but headaches with those classes."

"I don't want to, plus Seungmin seemed really interested in learning, for the first time I have a student that cares."

The three of them looked at him for a while before Minho talked, leaning forward.

"Kim Seungmin? You gave him a class? Like, the two of you?"

"Yes?", it sounded like a question because the taller felt like a kid who's being blamed for some thing he did not do, or questioned when he remembers nothing bad he did.

"Oh.", the second oldest raised his eyebrows. "Did you, now? "

"I don't get it-"

"Dude.", Chan face palmed. "Two dudes in a closed room, together, dancing a romantic dance and-"

"It's not like that!" He waved a hand in front of his face, trying to remain as calm as he could. "Aish, why would you even insinuate that. He just wants to impress a girl, and at least he does pay attention to what I'm saying."

"Because he's not drawling over you like all those girls." Changbin waves off Chan and Minho. "I think it's great that you finally get to actually teach anyone. If I were you I'd only teach him, since all the others clearly just want to get into your pants-"

"Don't say that!", Hyunjin looked around, startled at the volume as a few people looked at them. "Oh, god. Look, I think it's cute that he is trying this hard for her-"

"Think it's cute or that he is cute?"

Hyunjin sighed aggressively.

"Not funny. He's trying hard so please don't make those comments in front of him or he'll run away. He's already shy enough that he will probably need a lot of courage to ask her, he doesn't need you idiots commenting these stuff "

Chan snorted.

"Whatever just don't turn gay or something."


They said goodbye an hour later, and Changbin was the first one to leave.

He got his coat and books and barely ran outside, desperate to get home and to be able to let all his worries drown in a good and very hot bath.

"Changbin! Wait for me, you little- oh, god why are you walking so fast?"

The shorter tried to hide the small tears that fell down his face as soon as they left the caffe, but Minho was too smart. He gasped lightly, pulling the shorter to a bus stop, the snow not falling over them anymore and put his hoodie down.


"Why are you crying?"

Changbin sniffled.

"Because I want to. Now go tell the whole city a boy was crying so they burn me at the stake."

Minho sighed, pinching the beige of his nose.

"For the last time we are not in 1600, now why are y-"

"Aren't we, though?" Another tear fell down his flex, his eyes not even closing anymore. Minho froze at the tone of his voice. "We can't do anything and we get punished, hated, we are sinners and dirty and disgusting.", he scoffed, blinking one time and letting a river fall down his cheeks, looking at the street with his broken gaze and wishing he could just disappear like that snow a few days from there. "It's wrong to look at girls that way, it's wrong to look at guys at all, you can love but far away, if you're comfortable you sinned, if you're sad you can't cry, if you're happy you sinned to get there. I don't even know anymore!", Minho tried to talk, but Changbin was launched, his voice breaking word after word. "We can't do anything, we hate each other and yet god tells us to love no matter the difference. Is it that wrong to be different? A-all the jokes... is it that wrong t-to... to like b-boys?", the last word was a whisper and Minho barely caugh it, he was still processing it when his friend repeated it, this time staring at the street behind him, like he was asking that to himself, not Minho.

Or maybe, to Him up there.

Is it?


Fact: I am not catholic at all lol
Nor any religion in fact

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