Chapter 31- Hell with it

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ote: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
Last night was the most amazing part of my life, if it was a dream then the most special one. I rolled around in my bed but found it empty which made me sad

"Christian" I said softly when I heard someone open the door.

I sat up and saw him wrapped in only a towel around his body which instantly made me blush

"Like what you see" he spoke seductively with a huge smirk on his face

I turned my eyes away from him blushing horribly and in response he just giggled

"I love you baby" he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and then got back to getting ready

After Christian left I decided to complete a little part of my book, it's something very new and I am trying to give my best for this piece


I proceeded to open the door and almost lost my balance seeing the person in front of me

"Hello Hayley" he spoke coldly and I gulped visibly

"Enzo" I mumbled.

"How are you?" he spoke softly and suddenly I was all confused. Why was I scared of my friend?

Pushing my thoughts aside I gestured him to come in then closed the door behind him

"So, what brings you here?" I asked almost immediately not trying to show my nervousness

"Oh the usual, fate" he said after a brief pause

"What?" I asked

"Hayley let's stop pretending to not know what happened a few months back shall we?"

I knew why he was here.

"Sure Enzo but this isn't exactly something to talk-"

"Are you kidding me? My life is a MESS because of YOU" he said almost yelling.

I could sense the anger building up inside me

"Because of me? Or because of your foolishness?"

I snapped right back at him which caused him to back away. His life being threatened was different, but him blaming me???

"Hayley you remember I was shot" he said calmly

"You were shot because you couldn't keep yourself away from her, you knew who she was, how she was, but you still let yourself trust her, now tell me Enzo. HOW.IS.IT.MY.FAULT."

"It isn't, you are right" he said pointing his hands up, surrendering

"I think you should leave Enzo" I said as that morning sickness returned

"I should and I am sorry, bye Hayley"

Without waiting for a reply he left and I took in a deep breath to calm myself.

My heart beat was fast and I was being reckless. Calming myself for a while I got back to my writing desperately trying to push Enzo and his thoughts away


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