Chapter 7- Is it worth it?

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
I woke up in a very unfamiliar bed. Turning on my side I saw his handsome face and a smile appeared o my face. He looked adorable

Carefully I made my way out of the bed and walked outside.

I opened my phone to see a few missed calls from kai and instantly called him back

He didn't pick up and I grew impatient

I called him again and he picked it up this time

"Hayley, Elijah-"

My heart stopped

"What happened to him?"

"He wasn't feeling well; I took him to the hospital right now"

"Tell me where"

I quickly got out of Christian's house and drove to the hospital with a heavy heart.

Christian's POV
I woke up on an empty bed. I glanced at my surrounding but she was no where
I got up and made my way outside but she wasn't there

My heart sank

I noticed a note on the table and read it

"Sorry had to run, Elijah isn't feeling well"

I knew she loved the kid but why didn't she take me to him

I realized she never told him about me in the mall even

My heart felt heavy as I got dressed for work. I remembered Hayley's question from last night and indeed was focused to find that witch

Hayley's POV
I rushed through the hospital corridors, not caring about anything.

I saw kai and instantly stormed towards him
He held my hand and calmed me.

"He is fine, seems like he had a nightmare and when he couldn't find you, he stressed and panicked"

I closed my eyes. I felt my eyes watering and felt horrible

"Where is he?" i managed to speak

Kai gestured to the door and I walked inside

Elijah was laying on the bed and his eyes were closed
I sat on a chair beside him and took his small hand in mine.

"I'm sorry baby" I whispered

A tear escaped my eye and I realized how much I had grown attached to him. I couldn't bear losing him and knowing that he panicked because of me, made me feel terrible. What was I even thinking?

I can't go back to Christian until I tell Elijah who he is and make sure Elijah likes him. It really isn't as easy as it sounds

Elijah opened his eyes and looked at me
"Mommy" he whispered and I looked at him

"Where were you?"

"I'm sorry, I was working baby" my voice cracked.

He nodded his head but kept his arms around my neck. I pulled him close and safely wrapped my arms around his.

I never thought things would get this bad.

After filling out the papers I got Elijah out and we took him to the car. I was about to sit in the car when my phone buzzed

Thinking it was Christian I pulled my phone out but it was an unknown number

"Hello?" I said but the other end was silent

"Hello?" I was about to end the call but someone spoke

"Miss me darling?"

I knew who this was. Anger spread through me as I tried to not raise my voice.



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