Chapter 16- Sacrifices

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Kai's POV
Earlier this morning

"now considering your feelings for her, I'm sure you don't like Christian very much" Katherine said proudly

"it doesn't matter-"

"that's where you are wrong, if you want it can be how you want it"
I raised an eyebrow at her like what exactly was she implying here?

"see I can get Christian and you can get Hayley, we just need to create a little misunderstanding between them and we're good to go"

Completely ridiculous

"you might think I'm completely mad to be thinking something like this but deep down even you know I am right, think about it. Can you really let her go?"

That's it. She had hit me when she said that and without giving it a second thought, I agreed

After that I did what she asked me to do. Call Hayley tell her all that and then take her with me to show her what I meant

It wasn't long enough that I could see Katherine's plan working. She really was right
It was making things a whole lot easier

In the café

Hayley grabbed my hand as she dragged me out of the café tears flowing out of her eyes
We drove in silence and as I glanced at her, I felt heartbroken for her

I wasn't like this. When did I become like this? Her happiness was the only thing that mattered to me, why would I ever make her cry like that?

Realizing I might not be able to take the guilt of what I just did, I decided to bail out. I never wanted to hurt her this bad, look at her. She's completely broken

How can I ever take this to my advantage? I may be in the mafia but I am not heartless.

Making up my mind to back out I decided to fix things for them. For her

As I dragged Katherine into another room, she looked at me with a confused look

"are you fucking mad, Hayley would've blamed Christian when she would've seen me, why did you get me out of there"

"because I am out Katherine"

Her smile faded "what do you mean kai?"

"I am not acting into your plan anymore Katherine"

"but you wanted to be with Hayley?"

"I wanted to be with Hayley because I love her, I never wanted to hurt her"

"you won't get to be with her if you do this" she said seeming sure

"ask yourself Katherine, do you love Christian?"

She went silent. It finally hit her

"if you really loved him why would you hurt him like that? Tear him away from something HE loves. Would you be able to live peacefully knowing you ripped him off his happiness just because your OBSESSION with him was far greater than his love for HAYLEY"

"no you don't, you don't love him you're just obsessed to be with him. You take it as a challenge. But you know what? I have seen how Christian is around Hayley. He is a whole different person around her and this new side of him is something Hayley deserves. He deserves her you know why? BECAUSE SHE IS BETTER THAN YOU"

As I left her in the room to re arrange her thoughts I actually felt quite relieved that I got sense of what I was doing before it was too late

Because in the end, my love for her was greater than my hate for him and I could sacrifice everything for her happiness even if it was my love for her


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