Chapter 2- Feelings.

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
"Elijah?" this was the third time that I called to him. I don't know where he was

I finally cleaned the place and headed to his room, opened the door just to see him sitting across his bed the same way he did that day

Memories came flooding back and I felt my head getting light but I fought through them and managed to walk over towards him

I sat beside him and he looked at me with tears in his eyes

"Mommy" he whispered and I pulled him into my arms

He may not be mine biologically, but he was a part of me now, he completed both mine and kai's lives and no matter what, I would always be there for him

"Its okay baby" I knew he was thinking about that b*tch Katherine and how she heartlessly she killed this poor guy's parents. An instant rage spread through me

"Mommy can we go outside?" his words bought me back to my senses and I instantly agreed.

He smiled and we both got up. I headed to our room to get ready and after finally checking the place for all the locks and switches, we headed out

I installed his car seat in my car and placed him inside of it carefully then sat on the driver's seat myself

In no time we reached the mall and I felt a sense of deja vu. It was the same mall I met Enzo and Christian confessed that he owned me

Elijah led me to a toy shop feeling excited and bought a ton of new toys. Little guy wasn't going slow.

"Mommy can we call daddy?"

"Let me ask"

I grabbed my phone and dialed kai's number, I didn't expect him to be there for us right now but at least I could try

To my surprise he picked up at the first ring

"Hey Hayley"

"Hey kai I was wondering if you would want to join me and Elijah at the mall?"

"I would love to, gimme 20 minutes"

With that he ended the call and I told Elijah the news. He jumped up and down happily and I smiled
I bought him an ice cream cone to pass time

It wasn't even completely been 20minutes that kai met us in the food court

We decided to shop a little for Elijah, had a wonderful time doing so

Kai took Elijah to the gaming area and I went to another shop to try clothes for me

As soon as I entered the shop, the familiar cologne smell reached my nostrils making me turn around almost immediately

There was no one

Sadly I turned back only to see a man in a suit standing in front of me. He had his back towards me but looked strangely similar to someone I was hoping to see

I hesitantly made my way towards him and glanced at him

It took me by surprise



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