Chapter 17-Choices

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
Everything seems so unrealistic and no matter how much I think about it, I don't know what I can do to make things right.

"kai is the better man" was the last thing I heard from Christian and it is the current thing going on in my mind. I don't know why he thinks that but deep down I think he is right.

Its high time I stop living In a fantasy and start accepting things that are happening in front of me.
As I turned around in the bed, I noticed it was made.

Kai was never here

Everyone is going through their own share of problems I realized as I made my way out of bed to get freshen up because the world hasn't stopped

I poured myself a big cup of coffee and sat in the kitchen to start writing.

I have the perfect story in mind but lately I feel very lost, I thought writing was something I enjoyed no matter what.

I placed the mug down as I heard Elijah screaming his lungs out trying to find me

"I'm here baby" I spoke from the kitchen and soon I could hear his little steps

He ran towards me and in an instant I picked him up and placed him on the counter

Little kid is my only distraction lately

"Elijah should we go to the park today?"

His eyes lit up as he squeaked in excitement

"REALLYYYYY" he spoke excitedly

"yes" I giggled and smiled

He instantly got off to get ready and so did i

Maybe a little good day with my boy was all I need to rest my mind

After getting everything both me and Elijah placed it in the car and just when I was starting the car, kai called

"hey kai"

"Hayley we need to talk"

"kay but about what?"


Christian's POV
Day 4758 of misery it is (not really) I get up from my bed and head towards the kitchen to pour myself something to keep me awake and working


"hello?" I say irritated to the phone

Drinking consecutively has been effecting my mood majorly

"Christian we need to talk"

"about what kai?"

"I will tell you everything but can you come to my place in the evening?"

"I'll see" I said as I ended the call

Hayley's POV

"kai are we really still stuck to it?"

"Hayley this is very important"

"I don't know, I'm taking Elijah to the park right now, let's talk in the evening?"

"okay sound good, thank you" he said as he ended the call

I started the engine clearly not looking forward to this


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