Chapter 29- the announcement

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV

I left the hospital with a huge smile on my face. Drove straight to our house and to the room.

It had to be special, this news

I thought of a few ways I could tell Christian this news and one suddenly crossed my mind

I spent an hour working on it and soon it was finally the time.

Christian's POV

After a long day at work, all I wanted was to be with her. I opened the door as the rosewood smell crossed my nose and enlightened me instantly

I closed the door behind me and walked further inside, all the candles near me were lit making the house look extremely romantic.

"Hayley?" i called her but nothing

I walked towards our room when I noticed the table. Something was on the table

I picked up the book and read the title

"Starting a family"

"This is some very strange kind of book" I thought as I kept it back and made my way towards the room

I opened the door and made my way to the closet

There was another box kept on the bed

I opened it to reveal a document?


I turned around and saw her standing behind me with a huge smile on her face

"Hey" i walked towards her and I kissed her on the lips

"What's with all the lights and stuff?" I asked her

"So you really donít know?"

" I don't know what?" I asked completely clueless

She laughed

"You're so clueless Christian, you didnít open the document?"

I opened the document that was in my hand and interestingly it was an ultrasound

I looked at her in shock

"We are-"

"We are pregnant" she said nodding happily

I pulled her in for a hug not believing her words

"Oh my god" i didnít know what to say I was too excited.

"I can't wait to start a family with you baby" I whispered in her ear softly

"Me too" she said happily

I pulled apart and looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling with joy and my heart was beating faster

"I am going to be a dad!"

"You are" she giggled.

I held her close to me; everything seemed so perfect that it almost felt like a dream


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