Chapter 21- Together, Forever and Always

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
As I got off the car, I was astonished to see the place. It was open, windy and definitely not a place to dine at.

As I searched for kai my eyes saw him and in an instant my entire body became warm despite the cold air.

Taking in a deep breath I made my way through the beautifully decorated pathway that he had set up and stood before him.

He looked nervous and that made my heart do a back flip

He nervously took my hands in his and started speaking

Christian's POV
I felt as if I forgot every word I had been trying to memorize at this sight of her, she looked stunning if it wasn't obvious and her beauty made me nervous so I just started speaking hoping my heart would take over

"so I believe this is definitely a surprise"

She just nodded her head but I could see the excitement sparkling in her eyes.

"This place is something very close to my heart, this is a place where i often come to escape from reality, be by myself and never bring anyone. You're the first one to be here with me, considering how special you are. Hayley you have this certain light in you which made me fall in love with you- your love and understanding for everyone is something i adore about you, your love for me, well that is what changed me completely- showed me i was worthy of YOUR love. Someone as special as you deserves the world and i promise to give you that. Hayley this morning when you told me that you loved me, you have no idea how happy it made me. I would rather spend one lifetime with you – than face all the ages of this world without you, thats the affect you have over me. You've made me fall for you so hard that now i only want to be with you, keep you happy and despite everything, be there for you-Always. So now i think there's only one thing left to say"

I moved a step back and kneeled down taking out a box from my back pocket

Hayley gasped with tears in her eyes, I looked at her and asked

"Hayley Jonathan Black Smith, Will you marry me?"

"OH MY GOD CHRISTIAN YES" she said almost immediately

I pulled her in for a hug and suddenly sparklers went off around us, undoubtly the most beautiful moment in my life.

We stayed like this until someone interrupted us

"hey love birds" Leo walked with the camera in his hand

"oh my god Leo" Hayley hugged him tightly still teared up

"only to make your mood even more joyful, I have something for you Hayley" he said as he went through his camera footage to show her candid pictures he took of us.

Leo was always good at photography and knowing how much Hayley would've loved this I asked him to capture this moment so we could adore it forever and looking at her I actually feel it was a very good decision

All the boys soon came and as they all congratulated her, my eyes were still set on her, unable to accept the fact that she was mine. Forever


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