The Last Meeting

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"Yoongi what the fuck do you mean you're coming to the states," I yelled back.

"Well I wasn't supposed to know this, but Manger Sejin told me," he replied mischievously.

"Told you what," I exclaimed, desperate for an answer.

"Ok so we were all told that we were going to the
states to start working on a new album. But Manger Sejin pulled me aside and told me we are actually going to be filming a reality TV show for two weeks."

"Then aren't you are going to be busy the whole time?"

"Well apparently there will be a time where we have a free day and Sejin hyung said he was going to help me sneak off to go see you."

"Yoongi are you dead serious."

"I'm dead serious Luna."


"I know I know and now I can see where you grew up."

I gasped.

"And now you can meet my dad."

"Oh that would be wonderful. Do you think he will like me?"

"Of course!! He's heard nothing but good things about you."

"Well then I should be fine."

"Wait so when will you be here."

"July 1st to the 14th. and then we will also be attending KCON on August 9th."

"So what you're telling me is that you'll be here for like a whole month."

"No we are actually going back to Korea because we are working on a full length album. We are trying to release it by the end of August, but we will see how that goes."

"Omg a new album. Yoongi why have you been withholding this information from me"

"It was supposed to be a surprise baby. You're always so nosy," he giggled.

"Well sorry for wanting to support you," I whined

He laughed.

"Luna listen. I love you so much and you know I'm always thankful for you. But I really won't tell you anything about this Album. So please be patient."

"Ok fine," I said in a fake pout.

"Say it back," he cooed.

"AND I guess....I love you too," I said with hella sarcasm.

"You always make my day. But anyways I do have to go. Hobi, Namjoon, and I are working on our next Cypher,"

"No way!! Are you going to rap super fast like you did in the last one? Cause that was so hot," I exclaimed.

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