Interlude: Dream Reality

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I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute shit.

I don't know what I was expecting.

Unfortunately, I woke up two hours before I needed to and the first thing I did was grab my phone.

No text from Yoongi.

To say I was devastated would have been an understatement.

But it had only been about a day since we last spoke.

Since I last saw his face and smile.

I was just going to have to tough it out for hopefully, a little while.

And with that realization I dragged myself out of bed and began to prepare for school.

I skipped breakfast and made my way to Nova's house, walking straight in and up to her room.

"Cariña!," she exclaimed in shock, not thinking I was going to be early. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit Nova," I sighed and plopped down on her bed.

She looked me with so much sadness written on her face, like she understood what I was feeling, or at least she was trying to understand.

Putting on her hoops she asks, "well have you gotten a text from him yet."

I shook my head.

She sighed, "well it has been only one day, and the situation you put him in was really risky. Maybe he is playing it safe for a few days. Maybe he's going to act all sad that they separated you two and then he'll "get better", pretending he forgot about you so that he could focus. And maybe that's when he'll text you. So I say give it about a week."

My eyes widened. "Maybe you're right. He did seem really nervous when I mentioned the plan.....This is going to be so hard."

"I know Carñia, but you can do it, you're strong and plus me and mommá will be here for you," she said sweetly.

I turned to her and smiled as much as I could, "thank you Nova, what would I do with out you?"

"You still would've been that little shy girl, and not and international model," she said mater-of-a-factly.

"True," I said giggling.

And after that, she filled me in on things that happened during school over the past two weeks while she finished getting ready.

And after she got ready, we went to school.

And throughout the day, I was a little hopeful that maybe I would get a text from Yoongi since he sometimes sleeps at weird hours or he doesn't sleep at all. I even remembered that he took on a job that would be over night, so I hoped maybe he would've taken his phone then.

But no nothing.

Not for the next couple of days.

Or the next week.

And that one week turned into two weeks.

And then to three.

And then a month.

And by this time it was the Christmas season.

Everyone around me was happy, claiming this time of year was the most "wonderful" but I wasn't feeling any Christmas magic.

How could I?

The only person who had made me feel like an actual person was out of my grasp.

I did notice that I had become dependent on him for my happiness.

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