
"No Carmen which one should I wear and for the last time I don't know where we're going." I hover my phone over two outfits for tonight, one is a dark outfit: Leggings and a hoodie then the other is lighter: A white tank top and grey shorts. *Well what's the occasion it's kinda hard to choose when I have zero clue about where the hell you two are going?* "I don't know where we're going it's a surprise sort of, I think our definition of 'surprise' is two very different things." I didn't tell Carmen about what happened on Skylar's bike because I know she wouldn't let anywhere near her again but I don't have a single scratch on me so that's a plus.

*I wanna say wear the dark one since you two are going out when it's dark but don't wear the hoodie I know you have a plain black shirt just wear that instead, it'll be simple because you could be going on a date or you could be robbing a bank.* She rolls her eyes, "I don't think it's either of those Carmen." *You don't know that and I know she likes you and you like her so a date would be very fitting except its night so if you two were to go on a date then I would be concerned.* "Wait so are you actually okay with Skylar or not?"

*Yeah I guess, I just like giving her a hard time and I will continue giving her a hard time and I still stand by my theory but she's okay I guess, don't think too much into it.* "Mhm sure okay but I'm going to get ready I'll text you later." *Okay be safe and shit, love you.* She kisses the screen, "Love you too bye." I end the call and I quickly get dressed.


"I'm going now, she's here." I jog down the stairs seeing everyone eating Taco Bell around the table, "You guys are eating taco bell?" I question and the team looks at me then my parents, I love taco bell and they didn't tell me anything. I didn't even hear the door bell ring, "Yeah the team got hungry and we assumed you'll be eating tonight with whoever you're with and Carmen can pay for you when you guys get food so go ahead we'll be here." My dad brushed off, I don't want to rely on people to pay for something I would be able to pay myself if I had the freedom to be a teenager.

"There's a taco here if you want it?" If I want it? My mom holds up the wrapped taco while glancing at the paper in front of her, "You know what it's fine, I'll just dig into my friend's pocket like always because that's the only thing I'm good at." I roll my eyes walking away from them all and I slam the front door behind me not bothering to lock it, if anyone wants to break in they can. "Beans, you made it." I see Skylar lean off the black car with a spoiler, I don't know anything about cars but this looks expensive and fast.

"Hi, whose is this?" I ask and she pats the roof of the vehicle, "This right here is Mona, she's my brother's car and she's a Nissan GTR." Skylar opens up the passenger door and I get it, her brother's car. I hopped in feeling the firm leather seat and the fancy lit-up dash, this is a new feeling. "Ready to go?" Skylar gets in the driver's seat and I buckle up. "Where's your bike?" I ask her and she revs the engine, "My bike's back at the house, I thought you would like it better if we were in something more sturdier tonight since we're going far and I figured that you would be hesitant getting back on my bike so I hope this is okay." She starts driving with her left hand on the wheel and her right hand on the gear shift thing.

"This is a little better thank you." I smile at her and she glances at me and smiles back, "You're welcome."


Skylar's POV:

Present Time (Continuing from the Prologue)

*DON"T MOVE STAY WHERE YOU ARE!* A voice booms through the speakers, I quickly grab my backpack, "Come on we have to run." I say looking back at Bailey seeing her hands go up in surrender. Oh my God, she's not going to get arrested.

"Bailey. Now." I took her wrist pulling her out of whatever trans she was in. "We're going to get caught aren't we?" She asks following quickly still with her hand in mine, I'm holding her tight that she won't be able to let go even if she wanted to. "FREEZE! STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" The cop yells, fucking shit. "Now we're not going to get caught okay come on run." I hauled ass with Beans by my side, I should've known there would be a cop patrolling this area.

"What now?" Beans looked at me while pumping her arms and I did the same while tightening my backpack stripes, what now? What now? What now? What now? "I SAID FREEZE I WILL START FIRING I CAN SEE YOU!!" The voice comes after us along with the bright light from his flashlight, "Here put this on." I take my backpack off and I hold it between my teeth and I rip my hoodie from my body and I hand it to her, "What?" She questions, "Dammit Beans just put it on!" I look over my shoulder seeing the cop slow down a little, "Why?!" She asks again, "Because so he won't recognize you okay, it's what my brother did." I explain.

"You've been chased before?" She pulls the hood over her head and I feel a sense of relief even though my lungs are on fucking fire right now, "Yes, I've been chased multiple times but never had I ever had to hide someone that's with me so just keep the hood on." I notice a slick corner that hides us for a bit while we're still ahead. We manage to escape the light for a few seconds "Here." I make the sharp turn around the house and I grab Beans' waist pulling her then wrapping her in my arms as we both heave. "WHERE DID YOU TWO GO!"

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