Train Ride Home

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Pansy and Theodore shared a look.

"What?" Jamie asked, slightly afraid to hear what they have to say.

"Professor Lupin is retiring." Pansy said hesitantly.

The air left Jamie's lungs. He stepped back, huffing out a weak laugh. He shook his head, curls flying out in every direction. "No. . . No, he wouldn't."

She patted his arm reassuringly.

"I have to go." He muttered. He turned, ignoring their calls as he sprinted out of the common room and towards the office he had seen plenty of.

He almost reached the hall for Lupins office when he turned the corner and collided with a body. Something sharp hit him right in his healing ribs and all breath left him, he tripped and fell back. He hissed in pain as the person he hit stumbled back, dropping whatever was in their hands.

"Jamie?" Asked Professor Lupin worriedly. He stepped over his dropped suitcase and kneeled next to the teary eyed boy. His long, narrow fingers gently poked at his ribs, checking for any cracks. When he felt nothing out of the ordinary he breathed out in relief. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jamie lied. He clenched his teeth as he forced himself to stand up. "Just peachy."

He and Lupin stared at eachother for a moment or two. Neither really knowing what to say.

"So. . ." Jamie finally spoke, eyeing the suitcase and grindylow cage that was on the ground behind his ex Professor. "You were going to leave without saying bye?"

Lupin did not met his eyes, he scratched the back of his neck. "I wanted to leave as soon as possible."

"But you don't have to leave." Jamie tried.

Lupin shook his head, his lips curling into a small smile. "People will not want their kids taught by someone like me. I don't blame them, you saw what. . . What I did."

"That wasn't you."

"They won't see it that way."

Jamie tried to protest but Lupin finally looked him in the eye and silenced him.

"Besides, this is not goodbye for forever. It's just goodbye for now."

"For now?"

Lupin nodded. "You see, Sirius cannot raise three kids on his own. He will need some help. . ."

"You're going to be living with us?" Jamie perked up.

Lupin nodded, laughing. "Sirius used to hardly be able to take care of himself. Besides, Draco will need someone to guide him through his journey."

Jamie allowed himself to smile, he fought back a wince as he picked up Lupins suitcase, he held it out for the man. "Well, goodbye then. For now, that is."

"For now." Lupin smiled back. "Oh, I almost forgot."

He laid his suitcase down and unlocked it. He went through what little clothes he had and pulled out a faded leather jacket with muggle band patches.

"I believe you will be wanting this back."

Jamie took the cool fabric into his hands. He ran his fingers across a dim red logo, the poorly done stitching felt rough. He had gave up the jacket because he wanted nothing to remind himself of his father, his father who he thought did not want him, who he thought abandoned him with the Potters because he did not love him. But now he knew the truth. He knew the truth and he is glad Lupin kept the jacket instead of trashing it like he had suggested.

"Thank you." He said softly, hugging the jacket to himself.

"Of course." Lupin smiled, locking his suitcase and picking up his grindylow tank. He hesitated, clearly wanting to say something but instead he turned and started to leave. He froze, though, when he caught his reflection in a circular mirror that hung on the wall. He took a deep breath before turning around, forcing himself to meet Jamie's eyes. "Your Uncle Moony is always here for you, Faon."

The Grim ➸ R. Weasley Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz