After fumbling around in her pockets for a moment she held up the keys triumphantly. Unlocking the Jeep with a chirp she threw the key's across me to Calum.

"Start her up!" she instructed breathlessly before closing my door and running around the veicle to the trunk.

I heard it open, a small scuffle, a lot of grunting, a loud thud and then the trunk closed.

Squinting to see through the dark I watched Gracie run around to the backseat and hastily climbe in, slamming the door behind it.

"Step on!" she cried, looking out the window as if expecting someone to follow her.

"What did you do?" Calum demanded, "We are not using my baby as your get away veichle, I don't want to spend my life rotting in prision for being your acomplice."

"I'll tell you once we're on the open road!" Gracie snapped, grabbing his seat infront of her and shaking it, "Step on it!"

"Did you do something illegal?"

"It wasn't not illegal."


"Calum! Don't ask questions, it's better for the both of us, just get us out of here before they find out!"

"Find out what?"

"Now is not the time for questions! Lives are on the line!"


"Calum just drive." I spoke up.

Turning to look at me his face pale and his eyes wide, Calum slipped the key into the ignition and putting the car into drive pulled out of our parking spot.

"If you did something bad and I'm with you am I considered guilty by association?" Sierra asked, "I saw that on an episode of Judge Judy once."

"Sierra sweetie, now is not the time." Gracie replied, patting her hand.

My mind reeling and my body filled with adrenaline, a rush I'd never experienced before, coursing through my veins I watched out the window as we flew past the confused looking clown, past the trees and finally turned on to the main road.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening in the backseat until we were a safe distance away from the circus so when I chanced a glance and found Gracie sitting in the trunk my curisity peeked.

"Gracie?" Calum sighed, looking between the rearview mirror and the road ahead of him, "Where are we going?"

"I need to go home." Sierra announced, "My curfew is in seven minutes."

"Tough tits!" Gracie spoke up from the trunk, "We can't go home we're wanted."

"We're what?" Calum yelped, nearly swerving into a tree.

"We're on the run." Gracie replied calmly as if being a fugative were the most natural thing in the world.

"On the run?" Calum spluttered, "Are you insane? What did you do?"

Sighing, Gracie looked down at something beside her in the trunk then back at Calum who was watching her in the rearview mirror, "I might have taken someone that doesn't exactly belong to me."

"You might have?" Calum yelped, "Either you did or you didn't!"

"Okay I did."

"What did you take?"

"He needed me."


"I don't know, it might be a she I was kind of in a rush and it didn't seem polite to check."

"Gracie what did you do?" I whispered.

Tucking her hair behind her ear nervously, Gracie looked down as a fuzzy, gray thing popped up over the seat into view.

Letting out a blood curdling scream, Sierra lunged forward and scrambling between mine and Calum's seats moved to sit on my lap.

Cursing loudly, Calum swerved off of the road and into the parking lot of a dingy looking Motel.

"What is that?" I demanded, squinting through the dark to try and get a good look at the mysterious beast in the trunk.

"It's not a that it's a....oh it is a he." Gracie laughed, "This is Elliott, isn't that a cute name?"

Putting the car in park, Calum hastily unbuckled his seat belt and opening his door, clamoured out. Nudging Sierra's slender body off of me, I did the same. Jogging around the car, I made it to the back just as he opened the trunk to reveal a large, fuzzy, lumpy, gray baby elephant.

Skinny • Book 1 In The Reality SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now