Chapter 13 -"Former Residence"

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Su Qing first blearily opened his eyes and felt himself held in someone's arms. Then he looked around and was thoroughly awakened—by fear.

Let anyone find themselves flying through the air head-down at maglev speeds—they would all be scared speechless.

Chen Lin felt the person in his arms falteringly clutch him like an octopus and knew he had woken up. He laughed. "You woke up pretty quickly. Well, how about it, feeling good?"

Su Qing was silent for a while, feeling that if he opened his mouth, the wind would choke him. Then he gripped the back of Chen Lin's coat tightly and stammered, "I...I didn't...buckle my seatbelt."

Chen Lin was silent. He was finally beginning to understand that under this delicate exterior were hidden nerves as crude as a bucket. God really could skimp on making people.

Chen Lin suddenly leapt up. Su Qing felt himself helplessly suspended. Though he had managed to scrape through university physics only by treating the teacher to dinner, he still understood that if either he or Chen Lin couldn't keep a firm grip now, he would fall out of the sky and make a big hole in the ground like a meteorite!

So the meteorite Su began to howl.

His screams mixed with Chen Lin's clear laughter in an exceedingly thrilling spectacle—luckily the rumble of the cars passing in the street was extremely loud, or else this scene of voices coming from invisible people would have made it onto a paranormal TV show.

Chen Lin leapt up, then fell back down. Su Qing rapidly became heavy and then just as rapidly weightless. His face was white.

The scene in front of his eyes changed constantly. Su Qing didn't have the strong constitution of a blue seal. Soon his head was spinning, and he had to close his eyes, forcing down dizzy nausea. After some time, Chen Lin finally put him down.

Su Qing's feet touched the ground and his legs folded. He nearly paid his respects to the ground once more. Luckily Chen Lin was there to help him get his footing.

Chen Lin stuck up his index finger and blinked at Su Qing, who absolutely didn't understand what was happening. Like a child committing a prank, he quietly said, "Don't make a sound."

Su Qing glared at him.

Chen Lin took him to a small residential home. He turned back and saw Su Qing looking around in all directions, then grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and shoved him through the gate. Su Qing saw him actually get out a key and unlock the door and couldn't resist asking, "Is this...your place?"

Chen Lin laughed quietly, nodded, and opened the door. "Come in."

Su Qing hesitated. He knew he didn't have any freedom and had to follow him inside, but he hadn't expected Chen Lin to live in such a "human" place—the house wasn't large, not in a luxury estate, and had no connection to a "mansion." It was extremely ordinary, and the furnishings inside were simple and comfortable.

"Where I lived before," Chen Lin said, pointing to the couch. "You can sit down."

Su Qing's throat bobbed; he decided that a wise man knows when not to fight and acquiescently sat down. His movements were cautious, as though he was afraid that an alien life form would pop out of the couch and bite his venerable buttocks.

Chen Lin poured him a cup of water and felt his forehead, looking him over in some surprise. "You seem so soft. I didn't expect you to have a fairly resilient mind. I don't go out 'hunting' often, so I couldn't quite control myself. I figure that the average person would have lost his mind. I didn't expect you to recover so soon...and it seems that you weren't even affected."

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