Chapter 24-Crisis

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Hu Bugui and Su Qing froze simultaneously.

It was frighteningly tranquil all around. Su Qing could practically hear the frantic beating of his own heart. He looked into Chen Lin's eyes and felt that his mouth was a little dry. "What...what are you talking..."

Chen Lin laughed coldly and took the magnetic neckband's controller from his pocket. Su Qing was extremely nervous and therefore outperformed himself. The image of that woman Shi Huizhang had throttled to death with the neckband flashed rapidly through his mind. The moment Chen Lin pressed down, he began to imitate it.

He had to clutch his neck with his fingers. It would only look real if he drew blood... Ow, it hurt—he had to gasp for breath, but he also had to act like he couldn't breathe. His breaths had to be very short. Then he had to slowly fall to the ground clutching his neck, twitching all over. After a while he had to add in rolling around...

Hu Bugui heard Lu Qingbai whistle. "Nice going, kid! It's so realistic."

The RZ Unit's field personnel were stealthily approaching "area 5." Fang Xiu, arms crossed, was sitting next to Hu Bugui. Through Hu Bugui's glasses and the vehicle's video system's sharing function, he was also watching Su Qing. He couldn't resist asking, "Captain Hu, what if we sent some people..."

Hu Bugui was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"We can't alert the enemy too early," he said. He paused, then added, "He'll be all right."

In under two months, Hu Bugui had seen him transform at an astonishing speed from a dissipated, decadent unemployed youth into his present state—brave, steadfast, each step falling on the most frightening boundary of his inner being, exceeding his limits again and again.

Hu Bugui clenched his fist and suddenly broke off the video, putting the glasses on his nose, not letting Su Qing's circumstances disturb the others any longer. "Team 1 will infiltrate the target area on foot. Xu Ruchong, I need you to break through their signal blocking within an hour. Everyone else, stand by and await orders!"

But Su Qing's strenuous performance didn't receive approval from its sole audience member. Chen Lin stood by watching coldly, offering up neither applause nor coins. His expression was apathetic. Then he kicked Su Qing's shoulder with the tip of one foot. "Get up, don't play dumb."

Like a mechanical toy whose pause key had suddenly been pressed, Su Qing froze. He didn't know where he had slipped up. Countless reasons instantly flashed through his head, and at last he came up with a conclusion: oh no, I forgot to roll my eyes up!

Chen Lin leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest and slowly said, "The magnetic neckband is in fact invisible, and if it's broken, it can be hidden for a time. Your friends even helped you simulate the geographical circle function, so when I 'undid' the house's restriction on you, I was fooled. But I forgot to tell you, when the magnetic neckband is activated, it creates bioelectricity. At this close a distance, I should be able to sense it."

So it wasn't because he forgot to roll his eyes up—since he had been seen through, Su Qing simply rolled over, sat up, and rudely said, "What have you got to show off about? Bragging that you're a human radar?"

Chen Lin ignored his provocation, only looked him over from above. After a long moment, he asked, "When did you stop being afraid of me?"

"I've been scared out of my fucking wits over and over. This time I don't have any left to be scared out of. What else are you going to do to me?" Su Qing wiped the dirt off his face and said, "I was the one who brought the RZ Unit's stuff in days ago. They know everything now, anyway, what they should know and what they shouldn't. What do you think happens now?"

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