Chapter 28- Fatal Mistake

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When the explosions began, Chen Lin was very calm—he knew that Su Qing was in there, and he knew that he cared for this person very much. So he gently closed his eyes and devoted himself to experiencing the tiny stab of pain passing through his heart.

Chen Lin thought, now that Su Qing was dead, all ties between him and this base had been cut. He wouldn't miss it, wouldn't even remember it. From now on, his body and mind would be entirely free.

While the fighting was in full swing outside, Su Qing, still lost in the dream of himself becoming a feathered animal, hadn't yet clearly worked out what was happening when he was buried along with a child.

He remembered that when he had just opened his eyes, he seemed to have glimpsed Professor Cheng. Was he back at the base, then?

Su Qing laboriously raised his hand to feel his earlobe and found that the communicator had been removed.

Fuck, wasn't it supposed to be "Heaven always finds a way"? Su Qing thought this was simply God going all out to block his way.

He bled more and more, and his body became colder and colder. His mind began to grow hazier as well. Su Qing had to exert what seemed like the last of his strength to bite his tongue, grimacing from the pain, to force his head to clear a little. He bent slightly in the small, narrow space, using his whole back as a support, shielding Tu Tutu in his arms.

The child's body was warm and soft, with a faint milky scent. This was practically his only consolation in this hopeless position. Su Qing could still hardly speak. He could only pat Tu Tutu's back and say in a hoarse, quiet voice, "Hush, don't be scared, don't be scared."

Tu Tutu rubbed against his chest. "Uncle, have we been shut up in a little box?"

Su Qing said, "Don't talk nonsense. We'll only get shut up in a little box after we're burned up."

Tu Tutu was scared silly. "Burned...burned up?"

The child considered it for a long time. "Uncle, I don't taste good at all. I'm still little."

Su Qing's vision was going dark, and his ears began to buzz. He laughed bitterly. "Then eat me first. I'm tough. All right?"

After thinking about it, Tu Tutu cheerfully agreed: "All right!"

Su Qing's other leg, which was still barely holding his weight, nearly folded. "Little ingrate, do you have any conscience?"

Tu Tutu couldn't move at all, and he quickly found that Uncle Annoying's voice was getting quieter and quieter, and his reactions slower and slower. He wouldn't play with him.

It was pitch-dark all around. He couldn't see a thing. Tu Tutu lay in Su Qing's arms. Soon, he felt sleepy and began to emit little snores.

Su Qing laughed bitterly, thinking that the little devil was impervious; the sky came falling down, and he used it as a quilt, not taking anything to heart.

Su Qing tried to move and found that stones fell at his slightest attempt, so he settled down. Small stones weren't so bad. At worst they would hit him on the head and leave a bruise or a cut. If a really big piece of something fell, he would be turned into a pancake.

Just then, Su Qing heard a faint cry for help. It sounded like a girl... Zhao Yifei?

Then he heard a familiar voice: "Can the person calling for help hear me? Please hold on."

Su Qing gave a start, nearly bursting into tears from excitement. Hu Bugui!

As soon as he had heard that life signs had been detected in the still half-burning grey house, Hu Bugui had thrown himself in without a second thought. Xu Ruchong yelled over the communicator: "Captain Hu, you can't go in! This place needs clearing, the fire hasn't been put out yet, the intensity and spread of the fire are likely to set off another round of explosions..."

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