Chapter 22- Tian Feng

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While the RZ Unit worked out of doors in the wind and rain, the next day, Su Qing returned to his previous life.

He only fell asleep in the small hours of the morning and didn't sleep long—Cheng Weizhi was elderly and slept little. He got up first thing in the morning. Before, Su Qing had been the type who could sleep through a thunderstorm, but now for some reason he could be startled awake very easily. The slightest movement could make him jumpily open his eyes.

They arrived at the main hall on time, and Su Qing found that there were some new faces there, including even a little boy six or seven years old.

Cheng Weizhi sighed. "It's a sin."

Su Qing didn't respond. He was a little dizzy. The feeling he had had at night of not feeling like speaking hadn't passed yet. He self-diagnosed low blood pressure from not sleeping well. He followed Cheng Weizhi, passed a group of guards, went into the mail hall, and waited for breakfast.

As soon as he came in, a number of unfriendly eyes fell on him. Because they were so unfriendly, Su Qing sensed them. He frowned and glanced over, and saw the little team of Type 4s, missing one member, standing in a corner glaring savagely at him.

Su Qing's sleepy vagueness turned to anger. He thought, We're all here, all of us in a state of uncertainty, and all struggling to survive. But never mind ganging up and having a nice talk about our future, you're here being shit-stirrers who only want to make trouble. Damn it, so many people have been traumatized, what makes you guys so special? If you need to vent, why not go take it up with the blue seals? Why do you have to go for the soft targets and make life miserable for a bunch of little greys?

He returned their glare expressionlessly and quietly asked Professor Cheng, "Have they been making trouble for you?"

Cheng Weizhi was silent.

"Fine, I get it."

As he said this sentence, Su Qing lowered his eyes and stuck a hand in his coat pocket. There was still a bandage around his neck. His messy hair covered his eyes. He was a completely different person from the trembling, nicely cleaned-up young man he had been when he had first arrived.

Cheng Weizhi acutely sensed the ferocity in his words and quickly held him back, quietly saying, "Don't cause trouble."

Then Cheng Weizhi pushed him towards the food table and shoved tableware into his hands. He found that Su Qing's attention was still on the Type 4s. The old professor frowned. "Su Qing...Su Qing!"

Hearing his two calls, Su Qing somewhat absently turned his head. "Huh?"

Cheng Weizhi put some vegetables into his bowl and quietly asked, "What are you thinking of?"

Su Qing lowered his head, ate a leaf, then once again began to chew his chopsticks out of habit as he indistinctly said, "Nothing..."

Cheng Weizhi said, "Don't try to fool me! Not at my age. My students were all the same age as you. Do you think I can't tell what you're thinking? You're..."

Su Qing looked up and seriously asked Cheng Weizhi, "Teacher Cheng, do you think it would be a crime to kill someone here?"

"..." Cheng Weizhi stared at him, dumbstruck.

"Su Qing." Lu Qingbai's voice suddenly came from the communicator, and Su Qing remembered that he also had the government watching him. He laughed quietly. His laugh made Cheng Weizhi even more fearful. He thought that there was an unspeakable coldness to the young man's laugh; it was even a little sinister.

Lu Qingbai's voice sounded a little stern. "Captain Hu told me about your condition yesterday. Have you noticed that your mental state is a little off?"

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