Chapter 18 - The Fence, the Woman, the Dog

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For the first time, Su Qing felt a fierce sense of reluctance to part from that lunatic asylum grey house. He looked back three times for each step he took after Chen Lin. He wasn't a person without a temper to begin with, and when he was irritated enough, there was nothing he wouldn't do. But now he felt that a heavy responsibility lay on his shoulders, so he began to learn to swallow his anger.

But blindly swallowing his anger wasn't the way to go, either. He thought that there seemed to be something off about Chen Lin and that crowd of blue seals. He felt he would have more peace of mind returning to the grey house—at least there, he was a playground tyrant with his own territory. He had built a small alliance against the Type 4s. Using simple tools, he could contend with the forces of evil.

But this Chen, with his mind-reading and his magnetic neckband—who knew how many other weapons were in his arsenal that he hadn't brought out for a public appearance yet? Science could be a real scam sometimes.

Apart from Jiang Lan's abortive speech, it seemed that Shi Huizhang and the two people he led all had different degrees of serious enmity towards Chen Lin. Shi Huizhang must have been venting his anger when he killed his little grey.

Su Qing was a little astonished. He thought, could Shi Huizhang and the others really be so useless that three of them couldn't take down one Chen Lin? Otherwise, if they had a conflict, why couldn't they bring it properly out into the open?

As he thought this, he couldn't resist rubbing the false earring.

After a moment, Hu Bugui's voice came from it: "I don't know what that blue seal is thinking. You be careful. Don't aggravate him. His condition is unstable."

Su Qing stared. He looked up and examined Chen Lin walking in front of him—he noticed that he was walking in especially large strides, a little rushed, but with a slight stagger.

Cheng Weizhi had said that while the blue seals' bodies and minds were hardier than the grey seals' due to the existence of the new energy system, making them unlikely to be unable to distinguish their own emotions from external ones and lose control like the grey seals, that didn't mean that could entirely avoid being impacted.

Though the blue seals had complete energy systems, they didn't have complete metabolic systems. After a period, they needed external intervention to clean out their bodies. Su Qing suddenly remembered something Chen Lin himself had said: "If we don't go through a cleaning for a long time, we enter a very unsteady state, like a grey seal going into mental chaos on his first mission from lack of habit. Our seal dims, our eyes become bloodshot, and becomes very hard for us to be responsible for our own behavior."

Dim seal, bloodshot eyes—wasn't that Chen Lin's condition now? Su Qing shuddered, feeling his gall bladder turn over in his belly, soaking his intestines in bile.

He followed Chen Lin in even more resolute silence.

Chen Lin took him through some woods, all the way to a "villa estate." From outward appearances, the scenery was fairly good. Basic little villas with their own yards were scattered around. Su Qing noticed that the roofs of these little villas were different colors. They were separated into four types—red, blue, yellow, and green. The first villa they passed had a green roof. Su Qing looked up and saw the character "Shi" written on the door plate. He understood—this was where the blue seals lived.

The treatment was as different as heaven and earth. Compared to the lunatic colony of the grey house, one was a presidential suite, the other was a multi-person bed in a pigeon coop hostel—one was American ostentation, the other was Haiti.

Su Qing craned his neck to look into the yard and found that there was a doghouse in it. It looked pretty big. He was doubtful—was there a vicious dog inside?

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