Chapter 30-True and False Heroes

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"If you hadn't said that you wanted to be the last to go, I wouldn't have suspected you," Shi Huizhang said, flicking his lighter. A tiny flame leapt up, illuminating a trace of a cold smile at the corners of his mouth—just as if he really did have such a high IQ.

Chen Lin had his back to him and didn't answer. He stood very upright, face turned to the window. Some Utopia white coats and uniformed armed personnel were standing in a row, silently looking at the blue seals with their varied expressions.

Shi Huizhang turned to look at his diehard follower Luo Xiaofeng. Luo Xiaofeng took out a small silver article the size of a thumb and handed it over to a white coat next to him. "The base's product. You can tell for yourselves whether I could fake it."

The white coat reached out to take it and exchanged a look with his companions. He unscrewed it and removed a chip from inside. Then he rolled up his sleeve and pressed on his wrist. The flesh on his forearm lifted. This arm really did seem to be made of flesh. The white coat stuck the chip inside. There was silence from within for a moment, and then a man's voice came from it: "There are many helicopters, mostly empty. Pay attention to numbers 3, 18, and 26, ignore the rest..."

Everyone present could hear that this was Chen Lin.

Jiang Lan looked at Chen Lin's back, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. She felt that her venerable buttocks had lost direction; she didn't know whose bench to sit on.

After a moment, the white coat ended the playback of the recording and looked at Chen Lin with a grave expression. "Mr. Chen, I hope that you have an explanation for this."

Chen Lin still stood unmoving, looking out the window. A smile suddenly appeared on his face, whatever he was thinking.

Like a slavering dog, Shi Huizhang butted in: "Can there be an explanation? I think the question is obvious enough, no? I recorded this when Chen Lin left the room on the excuse of going to the bathroom. I've thought there was something wrong with him for a long time..."

But Chen Lin suddenly turned to the silent Luo Xiaofeng. "When did you plant the listening device on me? That couldn't have been easy."

Luo Xiaofeng looked out from behind his oily curtain of hair—this person liked to keep his head down and his chin drawn in, raising his eyes to look at people. But while this gesture was innocent and beautiful when done by Audrey Hepburn, done by him, it looked like something out of a ghost story. "In the water you drank."

Chen Lin stared. Luo Xiaofeng explained: "It's very simple. The base is having an emergency, all our drinking water has become bottled, so I put a capsule listening device in each bottle. Unless you didn't drink at all, you couldn't avoid it."

Chen Lin nodded, seeing the light. "What good luck you have."

He didn't say that his own luck was bad. Chen Lin knew that no one else was aware of how acute his perception was when his energy crystal was full to the brim, and Shi Huizhang and the others also didn't know about the little spy Su Qing; they couldn't have suspected that he would he instantly guessed Shi Huizhang's goal in planting the listing device—to learn his movements and find an opportunity to deal with him before they encountered other blue seals.

To resist foreign aggression, you first need to resolve internal problems.

But their luck really was too good. They had accidentally heard this.

Jiang Lan looked at his expression in increasing disbelief, then bluntly asked, "Chen Lin, have you not had a 'cleaning' in too long? Has your brain been cooked?"

Chen Lin glanced at her. He wanted to laugh a little. Lunatics believe that only those as insane as them are normal, while the others are all idiots, and idiots believe that only those as stupid as them can be called normal, while the others are all lunatics. When all was said and done, Chen Lin couldn't tell whether he was insane or she was stupid.

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