Chapter 46- The First Confrontation

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Hu Bugui slowly raised his head. Their eyes met, and Su Qing broke out in cold sweat at once, thinking, Motherfucker, is God at it again? Why would this great Buddha be here?

He had trespassed into his headquarters and been caught red-handed. In his three year career of swindling and fraud, he had never encountered such a thing. In an instant, countless disorderly thoughts flashed through Su Qing's head. Then his professional quality allowed him to make the most ideal response in the fastest time: he stood at attention, gave a salute, and, relying on the uniform he had picked up, properly said, "Reporting!"

Concerning the possibility that Hu Bugui had already recognized him, the thought never crossed Su Qing's mind.

On one hand, he was still wearing the skinny edition of Lu Dacheng's appearance. On the other hand, he thought, after such a long time, with all the myriad affairs Captain Hu dealt with every day, how could he remember a minor figure like him?

But even if he didn't remember him, how was he supposed to explain his sudden appearance in Cheng Weizhi's room now? Considering it was giving Su Qing a bit of a headache. He was afraid Hu Bugui would simply take him for an enemy agent and deal with him the way the little mustache had been dealt with. Then this business would get rather messy.

But Hu Bugui didn't violently pull a gun right away like Fang Xiu. He only sat unmoving on the cloth couch in Cheng Weizhi's living room, quietly looking at him. The look in his eyes made Su Qing feel as though a flower had opened on his face.

Su Qing focused and said with matchless shamelessness, "Reporting to Captain Hu, this floor had already been searched. General Xiong sent me to notify you to come down."

Hu Bugui's expression became a little complicated. Staring at this professional swindler's face, he found that with his own vision, he couldn't read a single clue from it. It was as though Su Qing was naturally missing the thread called "guilt." His expression didn't change and his heart didn't race as he fabricated.

Hu Bugui thought that if he hadn't known ahead of time, he would really have thought that the person in front of him with his somewhat familiar but also somewhat strange face was in fact one of headquarters' ordinary guards. He couldn't resist pondering just what sort of shape this person was in now.

Su Qing found that Hu Bugui's venerable buttocks were still stuck unmoving to the couch and grumbled inwardly, but his face displayed a perfect bewilderment. He asked doubtfully, "What's wrong, Captain Hu? Is there a problem?"

Hu Bugui's mouth, which apart from giving orders, basically didn't speak any superfluous words all day, suddenly turned up at the corners, almost creating a "he's smiling at me" impression.

His features were sharply defined and rather handsome. He should have been very good-looking when he smiled. But for some reason, when Su Qing connected the terms "Captain Hu" and "smiling," a great horror spontaneously arose in his heart.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up one by one and cried out—you can't stay here for long.

So he continued: "General Xiong said to be sure you came down within five minutes. If there's still something you need, I'll go down and report. Please act quickly."

Su Qing controlled the speed of his speech, doing his best not to show his impatience. After saying this, he very accurately clicked his heels together lightly. After performing all the moves, he turned and unhurriedly headed out. From behind, his shoulders and back were very upright, his slender body tall and straight—he really did look like a professional soldier.

The moment he put his hand on the doorknob, Hu Bugui at last spoke. He seemed to also be uncomfortable, as though he didn't know how to organize his words. Rather dryly, he quietly said, "Su Qing, I haven't seen you in years. How have you been?"

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