Chapter 37-The Old Swindler

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Then he slowly slid down the wall behind him. His vision went black, and he knew nothing more.

In his haze, Su Qing felt that he seemed to be floating, swaying in the wind. A great wind blew him away somewhere. After a while, he faintly felt that the scenery before his eyes was a little familiar. Looking closely, he found that he had returned home.

His consciousness wasn't especially clear. When he came here, he tensed, thinking that there were still people waiting around to take their chance if he walked into their trap. Why had he run here?

Just then, someone came towards him. Su Qing stared blankly. He was standing in the street. There was no time to dodge—it was the Su family's housekeeper, Xiao Wu.

Su Qing's heart beat faster and faster. He suddenly didn't know what to do. But Xiao Wu only came right towards him and passed him by as though nothing were the matter, just as if she hadn't seen him. Su Qing stared. He stood in the street for a while, then couldn't resist chasing after and tapping Xiao Wu on the shoulder. But his hand went right through her shoulder.

He suddenly had a strange thought—was he dead?

Su Qing ignorantly walked towards his house. He went up the familiar stairs and wanted to push open the door, but his arm went through it. Su Qing realized that he had acquired the skill of passing through walls. He laughed bitterly and went right in.

Su Chengde had always been busy at work, and meals in the Su home were late. Now it was already dark, and Su Chengde was only just sitting down to dinner.

Xiao Wu didn't eat at the same table as him. She laid out the food and went to the kitchen to eat. The dining table was so big that Su Chengde sitting there on his own seemed a little lonely.

Su Qing walked over quietly, slowly approaching Su Chengde, hugging him from behind, the way he had hung off his dad when he had been little. When he had been little, he had thought that Su Chengde was truly massive. He could lift him onto his back with just a slight effort. But now he found that Su Chengde seemed to have shrunk. He appeared to have turned frail.

Then, Su Qing's eyes went around Su Chengde's shoulder towards the table.

After all these years, the old man hadn't improved his lifestyle. If he wasn't going out for social engagements but staying home to eat, he always ate plain and simple fare. He wasn't picky, either. He could happily eat last night's rice casually fried up with some scallion oil.

Su Qing sighed inwardly. Suddenly, he trembled—on the table, apart from Su Chengde's tableware, there were two other sets arranged.

One was for Su Qing's mother; this had been a tacit understanding between father and son. The other...

His eyes burned. He blurted out, "Dad..."

Su Chengde, who was gobbling up his food, paused, looking around suspiciously. He raised his voice and called to the housekeeper: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu?"

The housekeeper answered, "Yes, uncle, what is it?"

Su Chengde asked, "I think I heard someone speaking just now. Was it you?"

Xiao Wu paused. "Me? I didn't say anything."

Su Chengde responded in a careworn way, nodded, and didn't pursue it any further. Su Qing sighed and went around the dining table. He wanted to sit down across from Su Chengde.

But just then, it was as if there was a black hole outside the window, dragging him out. Su Qing reached out to grab hold of Su Chengde, who was so close by, but he couldn't resist the enormous attractive force.

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