Chapter 26-The Flames of War

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Tu Tutu blinked his big eyes, looking at Su Qing. He tugged at Cheng Weizhi. "Grandpa, is Uncle Annoying also going to get shut up in a little box?"

Zhao Yifei, who had been drawn over by the sound, was startled by the child's words. She looked in a panic at the helpless Professor Cheng, took a deep breath, slowly leaned down, and carefully felt under Su Qing's nose. Then she let out a light breath and quietly said, "Oh, good, he...he's still alive."

Cheng Weizhi focused and gave Tu Tutu to Zhao Yifei. "Young lady, hold this child for me."

Then he squatted down, pulled up Su Qing's arm, and put it around his own neck. The weak old scholar exerted all his strength to prop up the entirely unconscious Su Qing, making him lean against him.

Around them was a mess. Many grey seals were insane or stupid to start with, and when they got out, they absolutely couldn't tell north from south. While the others on the base seemed orderly enough, there was a faint hint in the air of great events to come. Apart from Chen Lin, who had just returned, none of the blue seals had shown themselves. No one knew where they had gone.

Leading a girl and a child and supporting Su Qing, who wouldn't wake up no matter what, Cheng Weizhi struggled through the screaming and braying disorder of the crowd, so stressed that sweat was pouring off him.

Just then, a man dressed in Picasso style suddenly leapt up in front of Zhao Yifei and exchanged a look with Tu Tutu. Zhao Yifei was startled and backed up, protecting the child. This person did a ditty and began to sing an absurdly off-key rendition of "The Internationale."

Tu Tutu didn't know what fear was. He watched with enjoyment and even clapped along. But Zhao Yifei frowned. For some reason, she thought that this fanatical man who seemed ready to go out and liberate humanity at any moment didn't seem as insane as everyone thought he was.

The man finished singing and became quiet. He looked at her, then took Tu Tutu's little hand. Zhao Yifei trembled, wanting to raise a hand to throw him off, but she hesitated and didn't act.

The man lightly squeezed Tu Tutu's pudgy little paw and took a step back. He put a hand on his shoulder, made an elegant shallow bow, blew a kiss, pressed his fingertips to Tu Tutu's forehead, then turned effortlessly and left.

Tu Tutu, confused, rubbed his forehead and stared at his receding figure along with Zhao Yifei.

They saw the man open his arms wide. His rags hung from him like a piece of performance art. He raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly. The laughter was like an infectious disease, quickly spreading through the crowd of grey seals. Many people couldn't resist following along.

A row of firearms simultaneously rose before a row of chests, aiming at the man's chest.

He seemed entirely unaware, and he seemed like a courageously advancing martyr.

When the first gunshot sounded, the man's smile froze on his face. He took two more laborious steps forward, then fell with a crash.

The big crowd of grey seals began to scatter in a panic. The scene was extremely chaotic. Smoke and din rose. The sound of crying and laughter flooded people's eardrums. Countless lives came to an abrupt end in the bloodbath.

Cheng Weizhi gave Zhao Yifei a hard shove, pulling the girl who was standing there stupidly behind a few idiots who were drooling but still standing where they were. He indicated for Zhao Yifei to cover the child's eyes. He gasped for breath, looked all around, and gave himself a strong pinch to force himself to calm down. He said loudly to Zhao Yifei, "We can't go on like this. We have to think of something!"

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