Chapter 6, Part VI

Start from the beginning

Souta: So... you're giving up your chance of escape, for us?! How, and why?

Naoya: Don't question it, Souta. Go behind Monokuma's throne. You'll figure it out from there.

Kaori: Right...

Naoya: Besides, I have nothing to escape for. They probably already know that I was behind it. If I was unlucky, they would kill me for it.

Kaori: And what if they don't?

Naoya: Don't lie. My father has already buried one of his children, he can easily bury another. And besides, I've brought this dishonour to the Edogawa name on myself - because I didn't know when to stop. My name will go down in history for all the wrong reasons, and that shall be my penance.

Kaori:  What do you want us to do, then?

Kaori:  What do you want us to do, then?

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Naoya: Tell nothing but the truth. Tell them that it was me from the very beginning. That I merely pretended to be your ally. That now, I am giving you one last reward for defeating me. Go.

Kaori: Naoya, but-

Naoya: Go! Leave me, leave the Nautilus, leave this Killing Game, behind.

By then, he had wandered towards the red button that Monokuma would slam with his gavel to begin an execution and put his glove-covered hands gently upon it. We could tell that Naoya intended to execute none other than himself - and that to buy enough time to save ourselves we had to leave him behind.

He therefore pressed the button, and the screen flickered to life one last time to show one last animation. There was no Monokuma though - just us and Naoya, walking away in different directions. Us to the left, and him to the right.

There wasn't even a chain to drag him out of the courtroom. Just the flow of running sea water.



Mystery Buried Deep: Ultimate Private Investigator, Naoya Edogawa: Executed

Klaxons were blaring, everything was illuminated in a red glow and the water was now beginning to flood the courtroom, and the entire Nautilus along with it. The entire carpet was now wet, and it was only a matter of time before it would have been waist-length. Thinking fast, I pushed aside Monokuma's throne, as he hinted at; revealing a secret passage. We had to run.

So it was that the five of us, the four who survived as well as Ryoko, leaning upon Souta and Umiko for support, ventured into that passage. Naoya stayed behind, facing away from us and not even moving. The last we saw of him, he was staring at an old photograph, depicting him as a child, and an older girl with grey eyes and blonde hair: almost certainly Arisu Edogawa.

Me, Daigo, Umiko, Souta and Ryoko eventually found ourselves in what appeared to be a docking bay for... bathyspheres? Escape pods, most likely. I took a quick glance to see that there was another entrance: one that had been bricked-up. Ah, so that was what was behind Ren's futile attempt to seek a way out for all of us. Too late for them now, though.

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