Chapter 2, Part VII

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Chapter 2: She who Sups with the Devil, Part VII (Class Trial)


Once the votes were cast, the screen behind Monokuma again flared to life. Like last time, it showed a simple animation of a roulette wheel, the pointer spinning quickly around our pixelated likenesses. It landed upon Yura's face now, and with that same jingle and confetti that heralded Ren's death, we knew everything.

Yura Ouka, the Ultimate Airsofter, was the murderer of Haruhi Hanazawa, the Ultimate Florist.

The only mercy she would be given was a opportunity for any last words. And then she was going to die.


Yura: (sobbing) No... no, no, nononononono...

Hirou: I understand. It's hard to make peace with impending death.

Masao: But the most honourable men and women face death with dignity. They stand up unafraid and accept their fate. And sometimes, they defy their fate and go out how they wish.

Yukiharu: Huh. Neat.

Souta: Hmm?

Masao: I know an example: when faced with the prospect of dying by the hands of his own general, the esteemed warlord Nobunaga Oda chose death on his own terms. He and his trusted page set the temple they were in ablaze, then took their own lives to deny their treasonous enemy the satisfaction of killing them. Brave men, they were.

Souta: And what does that historical event have to do with her?

Masao: Not Ouka-san. She will most likely face grave repercussions in the afterlife for her acts of cowardice.

Yukiharu: Geez, Masao! We saved your hide and this is how you repay us?

Kozue: C'mon, be a bit more understanding! It's not like she had a choice!

Masao: Ouka-san had a choice? She murdered over golden circles. And she deliberately went after the most sickly one of us.

Yura: Why... why... why did you vote for me...

Luka: You killed someone, remember?

Masao: Over worthless gold-

Yura: IT'S NOT WORTHLESS! Don't you understand what those medals meant to me?!

I understood. They were her most prized possessions that the bear could think of, and he basically held them for ransom. Of course, she held much significance for them.

Souta: Huh? What are you blathering on about?

Yura: Those medals were proof that I was a somebody! If Monokuma destroyed them, then

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Yura: Those medals were proof that I was a somebody! If Monokuma destroyed them, then... I'd be a nobody all over again! I had to get out, to tell the world that I was fine, and alive, and ready to... ahh...

Daigo: So, you killed... because you didn't want to be forgotten?

Yura: That's basically it! Look, I'll even give up and go down for it if you tell me what will happen to them, sir! Please... please!

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