Chapter 6, Part V

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Chapter 6: Remember, You Will Die, Part V (Class Trial)


The mastermind was under our noses the entire time. Pretending to be on our side, he assisted us with solving each and every murder committed here - and we were unaware that he orchestrated them until it was too late.

Kaiji Kudo... no, Naoya Edogawa, was now standing right in front of us, his eyes akin to those of a devil. He no longer needed Monokuma; he would either win and get everything he wanted, or lose and have to condemn himself to the same gruesome punishment that he inflicted upon us all. He wasn't happy.

Naoya: Daigo, Daigo, Daigo. You son of a bitch.

Daigo: What? What did I do wrong?!

Naoya: I can read you like an open book. You wanted to play the hero, save the day, and you put everyone at risk in order to do so. It got Ayane killed.

Daigo: But at least I know of my flaws. And I try to correct them.

Kaori: And aren't you guilty of the same sort of toxic behaviour?

Naoya: ...Kaori Hotaru! From the very beginning, you've been telling me what to do, how to act - without giving me any say whatsoever! I was the expert, the professional; and yet everyone flocked to you, a nobody.

Kaori: We're all nobodies, Naoya.

Naoya: Excuse me? Anything to prove it?


(Select Truth Needle)

TRUTH NEEDLE: Hope's Peak Academy Student Info


Kaori: The rejection letters do not lie, Naoya. Hope's Peak Academy has no info on us.

Naoya: And why is that?!

Kaori: Because they didn't need info on us, because they rejected us!

Daigo: ...It's true. Despite my genuine talent, there wasn't enough space for us all-

Naoya: And yet the headmaster gave a spot to his own fucking daughter! Goddamn nepotism; I mean, what's the difference between an Ultimate Detective and an Ultimate Private Investigator, huh? HUH?!

Souta: Are you out of your mind?!

Naoya: OF COURSE I AM! None of us even knew that we were worthless pieces of shit to be discarded!


(Non-Stop Debate)

Umiko: And how is that... even possible?

Daigo: Something had to be done with our minds.

Naoya: EXACTLY! We just up and forgot all about it!

Souta: The very idea of our memories being tampered with...

Daigo: Machines can do some rather funny stuff, am I right?

TRUTH NEEDLE: Memory-Altering Technology

Kaori: I agree with that!



Daigo: Huh? Really?

Kaori: We found it all in your room. Admit it, Naoya. You tampered with our memories so that we wouldn't remember that we weren't actually Hope's Peak Academy students! And for what purpose?

Naoya: And for what purpose? Exactly. What grudge would I hold against you all?

Kaori: You considered us to be worthless.

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