Chapter 5, Part VII

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Chapter 5: Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part VII (Class Trial)


For the fifth, and hopefully the final time, the screen located behind the throne on which Monokuma sat displayed a small animation. An animation of that dreaded roulette wheel, the pointer landing upon Ayane's visage this time around. The confetti and the jingle confirmed the brutal truth facing us.

Ayane Mitsurugi, the Ultimate Prosecutor, was the murderer of Madoka Uryu, the Ultimate Con Artist.

But before she would be taken to her execution, she would be given the chance to say some final words to us. There was no doubt that she would try to motivate us to succeed in which she failed.


Kaiji was the first to comment. I could tell from his sharp eyes that little remained of the self-deprecating boy we were familiar with. Instead, there was a bitter young man, almost certainly having just... given up.

Kaiji: So, what have we learned? When fools rush in where angels fear to tread, the results aren't pretty.

Souta: Geez... We could have avoided all of this.

Ayane: Yes.

Umiko: I... ah... Ayane, wh-wh-why?!

Ayane: (sigh) Why? As in, why I killed her?

Kaiji: Yes, obviously.

Ayane: I didn't mean to. Madoka probably wasn't going to survive anyway. But... I tried. In the end, I did...

Kaiji: Tried what? You don't have much time.

Ayane: ...I tried saving her life.

Kaiji: Why? She tried killing you. She easily could have been the scorpion to your frog, the viper to your farmer, repaying your kindness with evil. And yet you still took a gamble with giving her a second chance? She could have easily went after your head again-

Ayane: And then what would have happened? Umiko, Souta, either one of you could have died if I didn't at least try!

Monokuma: And all you managed to accomplish was signing your own death warrant! Bravo, Ms. Mitsurugi! A big round of applause everyone!

Kaori: ...

Daigo: ...

Ayane: ...

Monokuma: ...Killjoys.

Daigo: Ayane... I...

She reached out her hand, and he took it. With a small tug, she pulled him over towards her.

Daigo: This... What can I do now?

Ayane: Before I go, I want to say something.

Daigo: ...What?

Ayane: Don't waste your life. Always remember that you have something worth living for. You never know how long you have until you're about to die...

Daigo: ...Anything wrong?

Ayane: (sniff) ...Yes. Even now, I don't want to die. But it's too late now... Everyone, I'm begging you.

Kaori: What?

Ayane: Please work together. Your trust may be the key to finally stopping him once and for all.

Monokuma: Ha! As if that's ever going to happen!

Monokuma: Ha! As if that's ever going to happen!

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