Prologue, Part III

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Prologue: In the Beginning..., Part III


Clearly something was wrong. Where we would've expected the headmaster, there was some talking bear. And we couldn't leave the gymnasium - because we were locked in - so we had to stay put and listen to his rambling.

Obviously, not all of us were taking it well...

Yura: This is bullshit! Bullshit, I say!

Haruhi: That's not going to get you anywhere.

Masao: She's right! Focus!

Kaiji: You really think she's going to listen to reason here?!

Daigo: Why are we even here?

Monokuma: You are all participants.

Kaori: Huh?

Monokuma: You will be following in the footsteps of many that have come before you, and will make new ones for those that will come afterwards!

Umiko: This doesn't sound as reassuring as you're trying to make it...

Madoka: Well, aren't you a smart one.

Mugen: Hmm...

Yura: And just what do you want us to do?

Monokuma: Ah! Good question! I hereby announce the beginning of the Mutual Killing Game!

The room fell silent. Then the murmurs began.

Daigo: Wait, what?!

Kaori: ...

Masao: If this is a joke, then I am not laughing.

Ayane: Are you serious?

Umiko: Mutual... Killing... Game? I-I don't like the sound of it!

Souta: This sounds a little too far-fetched...

Monokuma: Too bad for you, 'cuz it's the harsh reality! All of you are trapped here for the rest of your stupid, pathetic, lives... with one exception.

Ren: Escape?

Monokuma: Sort of.

Ren: That ain't gonna cut it. You're underestimating me.

Monokuma: Or are you underestimating me?

Luka: Well then, what is it?

Umiko: Just tell us...

Madoka: Yeah. Tell me it.

Monokuma: Simple, really! The Mutual Killing Game is a game about trust. You have to put trust in all of your classmates not to kill you. And they have to trust you not to kill them!

Masao: You're... insane.

Yukiharu: You seriously think we're gonna do such a stupid act-

Monokuma: Shut it! I'm sure sooner or later, someone's gonna turn up dead. And in that case, everyone will have a little investigation on who they think did it, then have a Class Trial!

Kaori: (A Class Trial...) Excuse me, Monokuma? What do you mean by that?

Monokuma: Basically everyone still standing gets together and make their arguments. And it ends in one of two ways. The bad ending, if the resulting majority vote is incorrect, is that the culprit is free to go, and everyone else kicks the bucket!

Hirou: And what if it is correct?

Monokuma: That's the good ending. The culprit undergoes their tailor-made execution, and everyone else is left breathing in here. Do you understand, everyone?

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