Prologue, Part II

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Prologue: In the Beginning..., Part II


It was a strange sight. Me and Daigo had stumbled across such a funny bunch of strangers.

Daigo: Hey! Are you guys applicants as well?

Boy with Hat: I think we are.

Daigo: Good, that's uh, good to know!

Nevertheless, I decided to introduce myself to them, starting with a boy in a prison jumpsuit.

Kaori: I might as well talk to them.

Daigo: You should! We'll get along well together, won't we?

Kaori: Maybe. We'll go talk later, right?

Daigo: Right then!

That was when I headed towards that boy, clad in orange.

Boy in Prison Jumpsuit: You've finally got here, huh? Tell me your name.

Kaori: Now?! Okay, I guess... My name's Kaori Hotaru, and I'm the Ultimate Weaver-

Boy in Prison Jumpsuit: Done. Now it's my turn. Ren Kurusu, Ultimate Inmate. Got it?

Kaori: ...

Ren: ...I'll take that as a yes, so good.

Kaori: (An Ultimate Inmate...? Hope's Peak Academy may have scraped the bottom of the barrel when it came to talents at times, but a known criminal would have surely brought disrepute to the school. From what I've heard though, all he had done since his initial petty theft was break out of jail over and over again, but I digress.)

The next was a rather sickly-looking boy, clad in dark robes. He held a wooden staff in his hand as he slowly shuffled his way across to me.

Robed Boy: (sigh) Who are you?

Kaori: I'm Kaori Hotaru, the Ultimate Weaver.

Robed Boy: I'll introduce myself, then. Mugen Kojima, the Ultimate Game Master.

Kaori: (Mugen Kojima. Come to think of it, I swear I saw him once as a child. He was setting up a game of Depths and Drakes... he must be good at it, if he's the Ultimate Game Master...)

Mugen: Hmm, this is rather strange, don't you think?

Kaori: I do. And honestly-

I was interrupted by a young girl bumping into me. I turned around to see her; short, clad in mint green scrubs, with a surgical mask covering her lower face. She tilted her head sideways as she began speaking.

Girl in Scrubs: Oh, hello there! Care to introduce yourself to me, hehehe?

Kaori: Hey, don't butt into conversations!

By that point, Mugen had slinked away.

Girl in Scrubs: Oops! Sorry! Anyway, what can I do for you? As long as you'll be a clean girl and introduce yourself to me.

Kaori: ...My name's Kaori Hotaru. And I am the Ultimate Weaver.

Girl in Scrubs: (giggles) Thank you! A pleasure to meet you, Kaori Hotaru! My name's Luka Aikuchi, and I'm the Ultimate Dentist!

Kaori: (She seems extremely cheerful and upbeat, especially with the scrutiny dentists get in Japan. Considering that crooked teeth are considered fashionable, I get why she's acting in such a way.)

Luka: Do you have places to be, by any chance?

Kaori: I do.

Luka: Okay then! See you later!

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