Chapter 5, Part II

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Chapter 5: Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part II (Daily Life)



Monokuma: Greetings and salutations! You guys have been giving me a lot of thrills, chills, kills throughout your tenure here! A pity it will all have to come to an end sooner or later... But enough talk! Meet me at the gymnasium at 10 am sharp! There, you'll hear another sweet deal!

With no dates given out so that I could keep track, I've sincerely forgotten how many days we have spent in this hellhole under his watchful eye. Not that it mattered much to me, as I got ready for the day. When I opened the door to head out for breakfast, to my surprise, a jovial Daigo was there. He still was lacking his glasses, but he was wearing his necktie properly now, and not as a makeshift headband anymore.

Daigo: Hey there, Kaori!

Kaori: How are you doing?

Daigo: You know, pretty fine now!

Kaori: That's a relief.

Daigo: Of course. Really thought I was going to die.

Kaori: At least you're feeling better.

Daigo: I know. See you later!

He continued on his way, and I followed him. I paid no attention to Kaiji near the active incinerator as I headed over to the mess hall, where everyone else had gathered. Ayane was casually sipping tea, and Souta was helping himself to beans on toast.

Ayane: Where did you get them?

Souta: Didn't I tell you yesterday? The Garden of Eden! ...Care to share some with me?

Ayane: Thanks, but no thanks.

Souta: I understand.

Kaiji then arrived late, having finished whatever business he was up to.

Kaiji: Remember, we have to be there at 10 am sharp!

Madoka: We know.

Umiko: Umm... can we get it over with now?

Madoka: Not this moment, dumbass. We're eating.

As soon as Madoka had finished, we went off on our separate ways for the time being. In accordance to the bear's words, we assembled together at the gymnasium at 10 am. Although none of us were thrilled with having to do so, we had resigned ourselves by then. After all, Ren tried resisting and he got killed. Masao tried resisting and he got killed. Yukiharu tried resisting and he got killed.

But regardless, he was there, already lying in wait for us.

Monokuma: Hey there, everyone!

Souta: Ahh! Didn't expect you to already be there-

Monokuma: I'd rather get straight to the point! That had nothing to do with bladed weapons, I swear.

Ayane: Lies.

Monokuma: A-ha! Quite the sharp-minded one, Ayane! ...I'll see myself out.

Umiko: So, what do you want us to do now...?

Monokuma: Ahem, are you aware of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Kaiji: I've heard about it. Nothing good came of it.

Monokuma: Well, I am offering you a chance to learn a ton of secrets! Whether it'd be where you all are exactly, or who is the one running the Foundation that is after my head-

Daigo: Does that include who Naoya Edogawa is?!

Monokuma: No, Daigo, it does not concern Naoya. You can get all of those juicy little secrets the easy way, or the hard way. I'll be starting off with, drumroll please... the hard way!

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