Chapter 3, Part IV

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Chapter 3: Best-Laid Schemes, Part IV (Daily Life)


Where once there had been a brave and chivalrous man known as Masao Mifune, there was now an inert heap laying on the floor. The spears were still embedded all over his body and sticking out grotesquely. Monokuma stood in front of the late kendo team captain, completely nonchalant to the latest tragedy that he had caused right in front of us.

Monokuma: Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

He then turned around and walked away, not even caring about what had happened before our very eyes. We were left behind with Masao's broken corpse; I couldn't bear to look at it again. I noticed the distraught look on Kozue's face, right before Yukiharu butted in.

Yukiharu: What the hell made you think that this was a good idea?

Kozue: I... I wasn't thinking straight! I thought Masao had it all figured out! I, I-

Yukiharu: Hey, you, Luka. Check if he's actually dead. You're the only one here with any sort of medical knowledge- 'cept Kaiji, of course.

Kaiji: ...

Luka: Okay then...

She kneeled down beside Masao, and put her gloved hand on his wrist. She glanced towards Yukiharu, and regretfully shook her head.

Luka: No pulse, body's going cold... he's a goner.

Yukiharu: ...Crap.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and before I knew it, Ayane was at the scene. She took a glance at Masao's body.

Ayane: What happened?

Souta: From the looks of it, he's dead.

Ayane: He's... dead?

Luka: Yeah... there's blood, and there's no pulse, and there's no warmth...

Ayane: Masao! If this is a prank, now's your cue to get up.

No response. Of course, because Masao was truly dead.

Kaiji: ...I hate to break it to you, but he's gone.

Ayane: And who did this?!

Kozue: It was Monokuma that killed him... I told Masao to do anything he could to stop him, and this is how it ended up!

Kozue couldn't handle it anymore, and she burst into tears.

Kozue: This is all my fault! It should've been me! Maybe then Masao would still be alive! And then-

In response, Ayane sharply slapped Kozue across the cheek.

Ayane: That's not true at all! I understand you feel guilty of driving Masao into doing what he did, but that doesn't warrant your own death whatsoever. Monokuma killed him. Not you.

Kozue: But... but... If I hadn't told him to do so, then Masao wouldn't have died... I had a hand in his death! I killed him!

Ayane: No, you didn't! You never intended to get Masao killed through your words, didn't you?!

Kozue: But... but I...

Ayane: Kozue... I have to say it again, it was not your fault. If it was anyone's fault, it would be Monokuma's. After all, who was the one who sent those spears that ended his life?

Kozue nodded her head in agreement.

Kozue: (quietly) I'll miss him...

Luka: We... we all loved him...

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