Chapter 6, Part I

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Chapter 6: Remember, You Will Die, Part I (Deadly Life)


Kaiji: ...What?

Souta: I don't know that name!

Ryoko: I know...

Kaiji: If I remember correctly, "Ryoko Otonashi" was little more than a false alias. And there never was a real woman going by that name.

Ryoko: I'm... I'm real... I swear...

With that, her head slumped over and she became unresponsive, but not unconscious.

Souta: Should we be doing something?

Kaiji: She's still breathing.

Souta: Oh, I'm still probably going to, well, umm...

Umiko: But then what about the Otonashi Foundation-

Kaiji: Shut up.

Daigo: ...You clearly know something about this girl, and this place. Just tell us!

Kaiji: None of you deserve to know!

Daigo: Why?!

Kaiji: Because you're all IDIOTS, that's why! And-

I heard a clap. And another. And another as he waddled into view behind us all.

Monokuma: Well, well, well, I trust one of you...

He pointed his finger towards me.

Monokuma: ...with delving in here, and she brings all of her stupid little friends over to see for themselves! Surely they didn't have authorisation to have a peek at who or what was in there, huh?

Daigo: ...You're going to kill us all, aren't you?

Monokuma: Perhaps.

Daigo: What, including your boss?

Monokuma: What?! You still remember that original apple of discord I gave out?

Kaori: Yes. I clearly remember what you said to us when it all began...


Monokuma: Yep! I'm nothing more than hired help for the mastermind lurking within your midst!

Yukiharu: Bullshit!

Luka: Say what?!

Umiko: ...Can I please go home now? I don't want to do this...

Madoka: Umiko, I suppose we play along for now, then strike back against him? Capiche?

Umiko: (sniff) Okay, then...

Monokuma: It's the truth. One of you is the mastermind who I am serving in the name of despair. The good part about that is that if you manage to nail the mastermind, everyone else wins! Sure, you'll have blood on your hands, but it's the mastermind's blood, so no big loss to the world at large, eh?


Kaori: And considering that there is still no sign of an exit here, I can only draw one conclusion.

Monokuma: And that is...?

Kaori: Whoever the mastermind is, they are still alive, and they are among us.

Monokuma: You really had to say that, didn't you? Have you ever stopped to consider the possibility that it was a big fat lie?

Kaori: What do you mean?

Monokuma: That red-haired bitch over there could just as well be the true mastermind!

Kaiji: Think about it. She's using the name of a girl who doesn't exist, and introduced herself as virtually helpless. Damsel in distress she isn't.

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