Chapter 2, Part V

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Chapter 2: She who Sups with the Devil, Part V (Class Trial)


Once again, the elevator eventually came to a stop and the doors opened up, bringing us into the courtroom once again. It looked a bit different than it did last time: the columns were still gold and the curtains were still red, but the walls were now a checkerboard of orange and brown. The floor was a new pattern of black squares in the middle of white tiles, and the carpet that led to our podiums was now orange.

Monokuma's throne and the doors that led to what I presume to be an execution chamber were also there, of course. But where Ren and Haruhi once stood, there were now two additional crossed-out funeral portraits of their faces, identical to Mugen's own. We walked over to the podiums - the same podiums that we stood behind the last time, before Monokuma began speaking.

Monokuma: Well, well, well, it's good to see all of you back here! Well, except for our latest murderer and murder victim, that is!

Daigo: Can you just shut up about him already? I know he did something stupid, but-

Monokuma: No buts! This is my show, not yours! Anyways, I welcome you once again to the Class Trial.

Madoka: Yeah, I get it.

Monokuma: Some of you may have forgotten what to do, so I'll repeat: all of you are to debate on just who's the one to blame for the death of that poor, innocent flower girl! And then you vote on who you think did it!

Kozue: Right, I understand-

Umiko: Umm... what if we don't catch the culprit?

Monokuma: Well, tough luck! I get the metaphorical lawnmower and mow the lawn! Only one blackened flower would remain, and I'll leave it alone to grow until it wilts and dies naturally. If, on the other hand, you do get the culprit, then I call off my plans on mowing the lawn, get my garden shears, cut the blackened flower, and wrap it up for the day. Have I summed things up for ya bastards?

Yura: ...I understand. You asshole.

Monokuma: Good! Is everyone prepared to hold the floor about this?

Ayane: The prosecution is ready, Your Honour.

Monokuma: Very well, then. No further objections? No? Right then, let the Class Trial... commence!

Kaori: (Once again... it's starting... The Class Trial...)


(Non-Stop Debate)

Hirou: First of all, we need to get some affairs in order.

Kozue: Like how Haruhi died, for example?

Madoka: It was obvious she didn't have long to live.

Umiko: So why are we even doing this?!

Daigo: If she succumbed to her illness, then...

TRUTH NEEDLE: Monokuma File #2

Kaori: No, that's wrong!



Kaori: Daigo. I hate to break it to you, but... Haruhi was murdered.

Daigo: Wait, what are you saying?! I thought we all knew better after what Ren did!

Kaori: According to the Monokuma File, she was poisoned.

Monokuma: And the Monokuma File never, ever lies! It may say half-truths from time to time, but it never outright lie! Even bears have to play by the rules~

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