Chapter 5, Part IV

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Chapter 5: Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part IV (Deadly Life)


For better or for worse, Madoka was dead. She was lying there right in front of me, with a pocketknife plunged straight into her heart.

Kaori: This... can't... be happening.

???: Oh, I assure you, it is.

I turned around to see that Kaiji had walked into the garden, rubbing his eyes as he clearly must have been woken up as well. Where everyone else was, we didn't know. All that mattered to us at the moment was that Madoka was dead, and she was murdered.

Kaiji: Listen, Kaori. This is something I've got to do. I'm the expert around here, so you must know your place.

Kaori: But wouldn't you want some sort of help?

Kaiji: I don't need your help! Stop thinking of me as this helpless buffoon who can't do anything by himself! If only you just let me do something for once, then I wouldn't be thinking of myself as a worthless piece of trash!

Kaori: I'm trying to-

Our argument was rather abruptly ended by the appearance of a common foe. You could probably guess who he was.

Monokuma: Hey there, Kaiji! Hey there, Kaori! Somebody's dead and you're more interested trying to one-up each other! For shame.

Kaori: Only by co-operation do we have any hope of figuring out just what happened.

Monokuma: Hope? Did somebody say hope...?

Kaiji: Yes. She did.

Monokuma: Hope is dead. Hope is dead and always will be dead! Considering that a quintet of kids ended up murdered here, you clearly have no hope of getting out of here alive! Well, except for one of you, at least.

Kaori: ...

Monokuma: Enough to make you think, isn't it? You might want to tread carefully around this investigation. You know, 'cause you're all basically sleepwalking anyway, so-

Kaori: Thanks for that, Monokuma. We don't need your commentary anymore.

Monokuma: Hmm? You don't need me? Well, you sure as hell do need what will soon be in my place! And don't keep me waiting!

Kaiji: So... farewell, then?

Monokuma: That's right! Bearwell! ...Get it?

With that, Monokuma left as quickly as he arrived, leaving behind a distinctive and familiar-looking file on the floor.


(Investigation: Garden of Eden)

Without any hesitation, I went over to the file and picked it up. Surprise - it turned out to be the Monokuma File for this case. It read as follows:

Monokuma File #5: The victim is the Ultimate Con Artist, Madoka Uryu. The victim's body was discovered in the Garden of Eden. The estimated time of death is 12:00 am. The cause of death was a stab to the heart. The victim had additionally been hit over the head with a blunt object, strangled and shot in the shoulder before death.

Kaiji: Was is that kind of file?

Kaori: Yes.

Kaiji: Give it me.

I handed the Monokuma File over to Kaiji for him to glance at it. With a nod, he gave it back to me.

Monokuma File #5 has been added to the Truth Needles.

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