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Jungkook returns a few minutes later and the crew frantically gets the boat out of the port and back on the sea. When they're a safe distance away, Jungkook goes back into the cabin. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have brought you."

"Who were they?..."

"I saw 3 people that'll definitely cause us problems. The one you saw first with the white eye is Smoke Eyes. He's blind in one eye, but he's no weaker than anyone else. He's crazy."

"What about the tall one on the street?"

"That was Rifler. He's not as dangerous as Smoke Eyes, but he's still a force to be reckoned with."

Jimin gulps. "Who's the third one?"

"You didn't see him, but he definitely saw us. He was in the pub too. His name is Trickster and he's good friends with Smoke Eyes. If Smoke Eyes knows something, so does he."

"Who was the person I talked to?"

Jungkook's eyes grow wide. "You talked to someone?!"

"They were aggressive. I had to."

"Fuck... Was it the one next to you?"


"That's Bounty. His name is pretty self explanatory. He hunts for bounties. He's Smoke Eyes right hand man."

Jimin looks down at his feet. "I shouldn't have talked to him. I'm sorry."

"They probably figured it out before they talked to you. They were already suspicious."

"Should I leave? I don't want to bring you guys any trouble. There's already a big possibility that sirens will attack you too."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I've killed 6 sirens. If any others hear about that, they'll come after me. They'll try to kill you guys in the process."

Jungkook rubs his face. "We'll deal with it if it happens. Just don't leave. I'm crazy enough as it is. Losing you again would put me over the edge..." He sits down on the bed. "We have to prepare."

There's rapid knocks at the door so Jungkook stands up. When he opens the door, he sees a ship over the horizon. "Trickster... He always comes first."

Jimin walks out and Jungkook stops him. "Woah woah woah, you're staying in there. He can't see you."

Jimin shakes his head. "It's my fault they're coming. I cannot least try to help."

"How could you help? You have no experience with this."

Jimin grins. "I think you're forgetting my special powers of persuasion. Is Trickster a talker?"

Jungkook smiles slightly. "Yeah. He is."

Jimin gives him a kiss. "I'll talk to him. Are we taking him out?"

"I'd rather not. We aren't exactly enemies. More like rivals. We just need to get him off our tail."

The ship closes in at an impressive speed. Within minutes their only 12 feet from one another. Jungkook walks up to the railing and looks over at Trickster who's leaning against his own railing with a smug smile.

"Afternoon, Captain Jungkook. We need to have a little chat, don't we?"

"I don't know about that, Hoseok. Don't want you causing any trouble."

Hoseok's grin widens when he sees Jimin. "Who's this pretty little siren all dressed up as one of us? What's his deal?"

Jimin walks up and huffs. "I can speak for myself, you know."

-𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠- | jikookWhere stories live. Discover now