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^^ Our beautiful protagonists


Jungkook is helping hoist the main sail when the door to his cabin opens. Jimin walks out with one of his shirts on. "Oh, Captain~ can you come here for a second?"

The crew starts mocking Jungkook with whoops and hollers. "Shut up and do your jobs. I'll be right back."

Orca elbows him. "10 minutes this time?"

Jungkook ignores him again and hurries into the Captain's cabin. Jimin is sitting on the floor again. His tail is back.

"What do you need?"

Jimin looks genuinely scared. His usual flirtatious personality is gone. "My tail isn't healing."

Jungkook squats down next to him and inspects the damage. "It has to be held together. How about stitches?"

Jimin smiled softly again. "Whatever you say, Captain."

Jungkook almost falls under a trance, but he breaks eye contact. "Stop trying to seduce me. I will never sleep with a siren. You're too unpredictable."

Jimin pouts. "Why not? Do you not think I'm pretty, Jungkook?"

Hearing him say his name is like a punch in the gut. He feels his whole body ripple. "You know you're pretty. It's in your DNA. How else would you lure unsuspecting sailors to their deaths?"

Jimin tilts his head. "Why would I kill sailors if I could just have fun with them instead?"

"I just want to know why you're trying to seduce me. Do you want my ship?"

Jimin tilts his head down slightly and looks into his eyes. "There's only one thing on this ship that I want, Captain."

Jungkook stands up. "I'll go get the medic."


Jungkook is falling asleep in his bed that night when he hears a lilting voice. "Jungkook~"

He groans and opens his eyes. Jimin is sitting by the side of his bed. "Wake up, handsome..."

"What do you need?"

"I need to go swimming."

"Then go." He wraps his blankets around him and closes his eyes. Jimin huffs and shakes him awake again. "Come with me."

"I'm not letting you drown me."

"I just need you to pull me back up when I'm done."

Jungkook sits up and chuckles. "I thought you were staying here to heal. You have stitches. You don't need to come back on board."

Jimin cooes and runs his hand through Jungkook's hair. "You don't want to let me go this soon. Let me stick around for awhile. You won't regret it."

"Why do you want to stay so bad?"

Jimin crawls into the bed on top of him. Jungkook hadn't noticed until now that his tail was gone. He's wearing a shirt so nothing is revealed. "I've been following your ship for awhile. It's been a few months."

"Oh yeah?"

Jimin get a bit closer to his face. "Been watching you. I've heard people call you silver tongue. I want to know what that's all about."

Jungkook looks him up and down. "Too bad you'll never know. Like I said, I don't sleep with sirens."

"Doesn't mean you can't kiss them... Come on, Captain. I would've killed you by now if I wanted to. I'm sure it's lonely out here on the see. Not many people to play with. I'm giving you a golden opportunity."

"You can't trick me, babe."

"Babe? I like that. You should call me that more often..." He giggles softly and Jungkook feels his heart growing weak.

"Stop looking into my eyes."

Jimin just gets closer. His voice is hushed. "I like looking at you. You're very attractive for a pirate. You could be a siren yourself."

"Don't flatter me."

"I'll flatter you as much as I want." He leans down to give him a kiss.

Jungkook dodges him. "Alright. You can go for a swim."

Jimin claps excitedly.


They go out onto the deck. The night air is crisp and the water is calmer than ever. "Where's your crew?"

"Asleep. It's their night off."

Jimin walks up to the railing and let's the shirt drop. Jungkook doesn't look away in time and now his eyes are glued to him.

Jimin looks over his shoulder. "I guess you're the only one who gets to enjoy the view, then."

"You flirt..."

"I was born to flirt. It's in my nature." He dives over the railing into the water. Jungkook walks up and looks over the edge. His tail is back now and he's swimming around freely.

He comes back to the surface. "The water feels nice..."

Jungkook shakes his head. "You aren't convincing me to jump in. I'll just stay up here and watch you."

"If you come in, I'll give you a kiss."

"I don't want a kiss."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Call me babe again."

"I don't want a kiss, babe."

He bites his lip slightly. "I think you should pull me back up now."

Jungkook waits for him to grab the rope before pulling him up. He sits on the rail and grabs the shirt, putting it on. Jungkook turns away from him. "When are you planning on leaving for good?"

When he turns around Jimin is standing only a few centimeters away from him. "When I get what I want."

Jungkook takes a small but noticeable step back. "Not gonna happen."

Jimin walks his fingers up Jungkook's chest. Jungkook feels a spark under every touch, almost like magic. "Trust me. You'll crack eventually."



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