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Jungkook tries to fight the urge to kiss back but loses almost immediately. He feels a wave of warmness run through his whole body. That magic feeling is back again.

Jimin breaks the kiss and starts to apologize but Jungkook pulls him back. He bites Jimin's lip gently. He feels drugged.

His head is screaming at him but he couldn't care less. He feels like warm summer sunlight is shining from every cell in his body. The feeling is too addicting to stop.

Jimin's delicate fingers run across his back, leaving tingling trails. He breaks the kiss to take a breath and glances into Jimin's eyes. They look happy but there's a hint of sorrow.

"Are you okay?"

Jimin nods and wipes his eyes. "It's just overwhelming."

Jungkook pulls him back into his chest. "Let's just sleep..."

Jimin clings to his shirt, refusing to let go. He drifts off to sleep listening to the beat of Jungkook's heart.


Jungkook sits on the forecastle deck and watches the sunrise. The water looks like a sea of liquid gold. He sits back and enjoys the brief moment of serenity.

He hears footsteps and turns around. Knotsy is hoisting a sail. "Morning, Cap. What's on your mind?"

"It's a very complicated situation. I don't want to burden you."

"Not gonna press for details, but you can tell me anything. You know that."

Jungkook grins. "I do... I just made a big mistake and I'm coping with it."

He walks over and squeezes Jungkook's shoulder. "You're a smart man, Cap. You'll figure it out. Whatever it is... How's the siren doing?"

"I'm not sure... He went through hell and back yesterday. I think he's just dealing with the moral dilemma of killing his own species."

"Understandable. I'm hoping he slept well?"

"... I guess. He was pretty restless, but he didn't wake up. Probably some bad dreams." He rubs the back of his neck. "He... He kissed me. I swear he was hypnotising me or something, so I kissed back. That's the thing that's troubling me. I don't want him to get the wrong idea."

Knotsy finishing the knot he was tying and walks over to sit next to him. "Are you trying to tell me you kissed for the first time last night?"


"The whole crew thinks you've been getting it in with him since he boarded the ship."

Jungkook chuckles. "Definitely not. I could never... Giving into that temptation would make me weaker as a person."

"I get that... Guess that didn't phase Falco." He elbows Jungkook and chuckles. "He won't shut up about it. Of course not when you're around. He's terrified of what you would say to him."

Jungkook grins. "I'm not gonna throw him overboard. I don't own Jimin."

"Still. There's no denying that you're a bit attached to him."

Jungkook opens his mouth to retort, but nothing comes out. "... Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"I mean, you dived into the water when it was pitch black outside to save him. Anything could've been in there."

"He avenged our crew. He deserved to be saved."

Jungkook looks back at the water and sees that it's no longer golden. When the water turns blue, it means it's time to wake everyone up and get to work. "Get the crew out of bed. They have jobs to do." He stands up and walks towards his cabin.

When he walks in, he sees Jimin sitting up in the bed, picking at his nails. His head perks up at the sound of the door. "Oh. Goodmorning."

Jungkook gives him a fake grin and walks over to his desk. He grabs the map he was working on the day before and walks back to the door. He reaches for the handle and hears a sound of distress from Jimin.

"Are you mad at me?..."

Jungkook hesitates and turns around. "Please don't read into what happened last night. It was in the heat of the moment."

Jimin looks back down at his lap with a defeated expression. Jungkook sighs. "Hey, at least you finally got what you wanted. You seduced me."

"I guess..."

Jungkook walks out to escape the tension in the room.



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