Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Honestly, it would've made the world easier.

"You wanted to fix it up a few years ago, use it as uh—Extra housing or something, right? But there was always another project that needed funds. Remember the school's roof?" Remus absolutely hated that, but he was a young Alpha—Now he certainly knew how to budget the funds.

"Yeah, and Kelly's hissy fit on—"
"Forbidden name, Rivers, careful. Sage's already on a power bend, and I really don't want Rue to smash another lamp." The two males behind him chuckled, and it carried out with them as they were trying to find the control room to turn on the lights.

"Goddess, I feel bad for you, my pup's not going to shift until they're in their teens and I've never felt more thankful in my life."
"I hope you get a daughter, Eli. Then you can join my suffering from Hayes' taunts." It took the Beta a moment to realize what he was talking about and the soon-to-be father growled.

"Rivers always has males first." He simply responded and Remus rolled his eyes. "How's Sage anyway? I haven't seen her in a while, I miss my running buddy." Jackson pouted, and it made the Alpha chuckle.

"She's doing good, the witches are her new focus right after the pups. She asked about school the other day, I feel awful that she wants to do all these things but being Luna and a mother is making her has to hold out on it."
"There's no set time to graduate, Remus. Maybe she'll even take some college classes when this is all over—Ah, yep there it is," Eli said taking a sharp left and trying the handle on the door, which had been completely fruitless as the damn thing broke.

Pissed as ever he threw up his knee and extended it outward in one failed swoop to kick the door in. Sure enough, it worked.

Remus went straight over to the control panel, taking the flashlight in his mouth and flickering the given switches for the majority of the place.

But all the males flinched at the sudden blaring the lights gave off above.

"I guess that's the first thing this place needs," Jackson growled up to the ceiling lights while shutting off his flashlight.

"Yeah lights, and a prayer—I don't think you can pay anyone to clean this." Remus knew it would be a damn tragedy to let this all go to waste, but he needed to start thinking productively. The witches managing to overpower him and the rest of his pack members was horrifying, to say the least.

They needed a hiding place, and this would be perfect.

"We're not paying anyone, who's looking to be put on trial this week?" Both the Beta and Delta looked to one another and chuckled. "Guess the pups will be all over this, maybe make it extra credit." Remus rolled his eyes, but he did feel awful that the majority of those who had an offense against them would be punished like this.

But some people couldn't afford to pay the fine, and much like working for the family—This was one of those pack-related jobs that just needed to be done.

In setting up the main computer they managed well enough to unlock the doors needed and figure out the labeling—To say it hadn't been updated since his father's time as Alpha, it was clearly an understatement.

"We'll switch out the food, sure the kitchen can manage to do something with this stuff," Eli said eyeing a few cans, and Remus continued to rub his eyes. This was turning out to be a much bigger project than he first thought.

"Hm? Yeah sorry, Ronan's teething and I can't wait for it to be over." Remus said in almost a whine, only before Jackson tagged into the conversation. "Or until Rue starts...Sorry! And males always get the worse growing pains." Remus was starting to wonder how he was going to manage the decided four pups...He might have to get Sage to settle for three.

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