Chapter 40

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Angel had been cooped up in his room for the entirety of the three days he had been back —specifically under his duvets, because Canada was freaking cold.

But today he had made up his mind to go out instead lying at home all day like some sort of loser.

He planned to stop by at Yasmine's shop because for some reason, he'd missed her a lot. But unlike last time, he wasn't going to be stupid enough to order ice cream.

After changing into a brown cargo pant and a white hoodie, he topped it all with his black winter coat, hoping to God he didn't freeze his ass off outside.

His mom was at work, or was it grocery shopping she'd said, Angel was still groggy from sleep when she had told him all of that, so he couldn't remember.

He made his bed, tidied up his room—for some reason, probably the effect of being at Crownswill for sometime with all their routine inspection and whatnot— and skipped down the stairs almost slipping to his doom on the last three because he had socks on. He'd probably be the cause of his own death, and that was a fact because who ran down a set of stairs wearing socks with as much friction as oil on a pan. But then again, it was no big news that Angel had a death wish.

Stopping by at the kitchen, he got water from the tap attached to the sink and downed it in one go. Then he got a twix bar from a compartment in the fridge because he wanted something to snack on —something that wasn't breakfast.

Pulling his phone out of the pocket of his pants after it dinged twice, he replied to the message that Idalgo and Dwight sent him. He had been chatting separately with both since he'd woken up, and they were both amusing as always.

It wasn't intentional, it honestly wasn't, but Angel couldn't help but notice the fact that Diego hadn't sent him any messages since they'd left school. With a sigh he slipped his phone back into his front pocket.

He had inquired about Diego's well-being from Dwight, but all he'd got was a "he's doing fine," that was unsatisfying to say the least.

His mood now a little bit gloomy, he dragged his feet to the front door and put on his brown boots.

With a little pep talk to himself, he set out to Yasmine's shop.

The whole city was covered in snow, both on the ground, in the trees, and on the roofs of various houses. It looked really pretty, but that would be the opinion of someone who wasn't out in the streets.

Angel tucked his hand into his pocket and let out a sigh, the chilly weather dancing around his breath. He noticed that even though they still had two weeks before Christmas arrived, some families had already started decorating, putting up lights, Christmas trees, and whatnot.

With only him and his mother at home, that just couldn't be them. They always ended up doing last minute decorations for some reason, and if it were up to Angel, he wouldn't even decorate at all.

With a quirk of his lips, Angel stumbled through the snow faster when he saw that Yasmine's shop was only around the corner.

He walked in, and was immediately blessed with warm air and the smell of hot chocolate.

The shop was busier than usual so he had to wait on one of the chairs for Yasmine to finish attending to her costumers.

He was craving hot chocolate and marshmallows, so that was what he planned to order.

Angel was so preoccupied with his phone that he didn't notice someone approach.

"My God! Is that you Angie boy?"

At the voice, Angel's head snapped up. He didn't have to look to know who it was, after all, only one person had the guts to call him Angie boy.

He glanced at his side, and sure enough Yasmine was standing there with a mini menu, her face all smiles as usual. Her thick curly black hair was in a bun, and she had on a simple T-shirt and jeans, her apron over her outfit.

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