Chapter 15

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"Pick a what now?" an incredulous looking Fay asked. You could tell she wasn't one for boy-madness, and that's exactly what she thought whatever's going on was.

"I gave you a valid explanation with the long arse name I came up with," Diego retorted looking offended that they didn't get it.

"How creative," Angel muttered. What? Just because he was feeling weird towards Diego all of a sudden, doesn't mean he just ups and likes him.

"Whatever, I'll get the hat and put all our names in it, whoever you pick, would be who you'd shop with. You get to pick your partners costume, and your partner gets to pick yours," he explained before disappearing in search of a hat.

"Why are we letting him do this?" Nigel asked with a shake of his head.

"Because it's either this, or we wind up wearing our school uniforms for Halloween, they are costumes enough," Dallas mumbled. He had a scowl on his face, you could tell he wasn't having fun shopping.

"Amen to that," Tobi responded, both hands clapped in a sign of prayer.

"I'm back," Diego announced a magician's hat, in his grasp.

"So we're picking names from that thing?" Olivia asked looking skeptical.

"Yes. We're nine, so only four of us get to pick names from the hat. One of us has to volunteer to third wheel in one of the groups."

Diego hurriedly picked a folded piece of paper first, and then Tobi followed, Nigel soon after, and Olivia being the last.

"So, what does it say," Idalgo urged impatiently. Angel was surprised he didn't rush to be among the people to pick, seeing as things like this were his things of interest.

"I got you Idalgo," Nigel announced uncaringly. He had been much more bitter ever since his argument with Angel.

"Well, I got, Dwight," Olivia said somewhat nonchalantly. Dwight didn't seem to be happy about her choice, but shrugged saying it was just a few hours of shopping. Nigel looked like he was about to complain, but held himself.

"I got you, Fay," Tobi announced pouting slightly.

"Dallas doesn't have a partner, so he gets to choose," Diego said making Angel cock an eyebrow.

"How do you know he doesn't have a partner?" Angel asked, eliciting a devilish smirk from Diego.

"Because I got, Angel," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Whatever, I'd have gone with Tobi anyway," Dallas stated, going to put his arm around his boyfriend's waist.
Tobi giggled and leaned in to peck Dallas on the lips.

"Please spare us the PDA," Dwight cried, "not all of us have successful love life's here."

Idalgo snorted his cheeks taking on a red hue that almost matched his hair. Nigel on the other hand didn't look amused in the slightest.

"Let's just get this over with," he muttered, going off in a random direction, leaving Idalgo to trail behind him.

Angel was glad to see that Idalgo was somewhat back to normal, with his flannel shirts and skinny jeans, all of which weren't a colour as dark as the one he had seen him wearing on their encounter on the roof.

Now that he paid attention, it did come to his notice that Idalgo's attention span was indeed short. His focus wavered and thoughts digressed every two minutes. Angel found the whole ordeal cute, even if he knew it wasn't something Idalgo was pleased with about himself. Sometimes he could see the boy trying hard to concentrate on one thing at once.

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