Chapter 2

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Dedicated to knack4Things because they're amazing.

"Angel, you little devil. Get back here," Angel's mom's voice called as she chased him through the streets of Toronto. Their car was in front of the mall they had been doing Angel's school shopping in but now with every step she took, she was getting farther and farther away from the car.....and the mall.

"Why couldn't I have a normal son?" she asked directing her glare to the sky.

"Would it have killed you to give me a less hyper child or maybe even a female child who would've definitely enjoyed her time at the mall," she groaned, this time stopping to throw her hands up in a dramatic I'm-fed-up-with-life gesture.

"What's wrong Mom? Praying to God once again to replace me?" Angel joked once he noticed that his mom had stopped running after him.

Manow internally cringed at Angel's theory. She could never replace Angel with anyone. It may come as a shock to most people who knew how Angel could be, but Manow loved him the way he was. She honestly couldn't ask for a better son, but of class, she'll never tell Angel that.

"You know, you are on point on this one," she said giving him a thumbs up that spoke different considering the slight smile on her face.

"Too bad mother, because you're stuck with this bad boy" Angel stated a wicked grin on his face as he once again bolted down the streets of Toronto, his dark blue hair swishing behind him in the afternoon breeze. Manow couldn't fathom what convinced Angel into thinking he was a bad boy. For one, he couldn't even pull off their signature leather jackets. Besides, Angel was too short to be considered harmful. The fact that he inherited Manow's features made it worse for him.

"Copy that son, where is God when you need him?" Manow mused in fake exasperation, causing Angel to slow down a little as he burst out laughing.

Eventually, he stopped running due to breathlessness which was unsurprisingly as a result of laughing and not of running. Angel could run a marathon if he was dedicated enough to it, running was something he had gotten used to over the years.

Manow seeing Angel's distraction as the perfect opportunity, walked silently towards him and when she was directly behind him, she put him in a choke hold strong enough so he couldn't get out of it.

Angel clawed at her hand, but it was no use. He hated to admit it, but his mom was stronger than him. The gym wasn't really Angel's sort of sanctuary. Despite him being an inch over Manow in height, the advantage was useless. They were both extremely short people, compared to the rest of the world. If you must, Angel blamed it all on his mother. It was her gene he inherited after all.

"Oh come on Mom, you used my weakness against me," Angel whined as his mom dragged him by his ear back to her car. He was trying the guilt tripping approach, since it seemed to walk on all mothers. It was almost comical how Manow's strength was by far above Angel's. Angel's excuse was this – Manow carried his ass around for nine months, of course she would be stronger than him.

"Since when was laughter a weakness of yours?"

"Since now?" Angel stated, more like asked.

"Seeing as that sounded more like a question and less like an affirmation, I'll take it that you're lying," Manow said, huffing when she could finally spot her car.

"You know I'm too old to be playing fetch with my seventeen year old son right?" She asked turning to glare at Angel once they had arrived the entrance of the mall, the formerly abandoned car, a few metres away.

"I'll be eighteen in less than a month Mom, you know, if age is the problem," Angel replied his signature I'm-the-son-of-the-devil's grin plastered on his innocent looking face.

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