Chapter 30

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They had all agreed to meet with their soon to be choreographer in the quad after school. Since it was a Tuesday, they didn't have any after school activity, so it was convenient for everyone.

Angel wasn't looking forward to this meeting though, because then it would finalize everything. Them having to dance during the school's talent show would be finalized once they meet this choreographer AKA Dallas' roommate.

Angel had just arrived at the quad, only to find his friends arguing. Well three of them, Idalgo, Tobi and Dallas looked to be in a heated argument, with Idalgo and Tobi strongly opposing whatever it was Dallas had to say.

Mumbling a greeting to Dwight, and taking a seat beside him, Angel was able to pick up bits and pieces of their argument. Apparently, they were mad at Dallas for not knowing anything about his roommate, because then they would have known what to expect from them—his roommate. Or at least they would've had something to base their imagination of his roommate's personality on.

It seemed a very useless argument to have when the said person was on their way to the quad for the meeting they'd arranged with them.

Angel noticed that Diego and Olivia weren't present, and although he tried, he couldn't fight the tightening in his throat.

Angel couldn't explain why he was suddenly feeling this way when he was the one who pushed Diego away. Angel hated that he didn't have an explanation to the way he felt, but most especially, he hated that Diego was avoiding him.

It hurt like a bitch.

Angel's attention drifted to the entrance to the quad when he saw two people walk in.

He'd know they would come in together, but it still pained him to see both of them walk in, most especially since she was leaning on Diego, who supported her with his arm wrapped around her waist, and the other holding her hand that was around Diego's shoulder.

He watched them nothing close to discreetly, as they walked all the way to the table they were sat at.

Now that they were closer, Angel could see both of them more clearly, and he almost regretted wanting to rip Olivia's hands off just because she had it wrapped around Diego's shoulder.

It was obvious that she had caught something. Her usually prim and proper uniform had wrinkles on it, and generally, she didn't look so good either. Her eyes were swollen and only slightly open, and her lips were chapped. She looked to have a minimum of three blazers on, and she kept clearing her throat like she was trying to free it of something.

She looked sick, and if Diego's expression was anything to go by, then she most probably was.

Diego on the other hand, looked haggard. His school uniform was messier than normal, and the lace of his all black converse—he never even wore converses— were untied.

He looked tired and stressed, and Angel had the sudden urge to unburden him and shield him from the harshness of the world.

Angel rolled his eyes at his thoughts, he knew he was one of the reasons Diego looked like he was about to drop. His dark blue, beanie covered head was a testimony to that.

Angel watched Diego place Olivia on a seat, before taking the one beside her. Olivia's head immediately went down to rest on table, and so with him no longer having a view of her sickly face, he was able to voice the question on his mind.

"What's up with her?" Angel asked tentatively, not really expecting Diego to reply since he had been giving him the silent treatment for days.

Surprisingly, Diego did answer, but his voice was heartbreakingly monotonous, and Angel had to resist the urge to wince.

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