Chapter 26

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Angel groaned at the feeling of incessant tapping on his right leg. He shuffled his legs, not wanting to deal with whatever it was at the moment.

He'd barely had up to three hours of sleep after yesterday's shenanigans, he didn't feel rested enough to deal with shit.

The tapping however, continued, causing him to mumble a couple of profanities, but the culprit was relentless.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm asleep? Go away!" He grumbled, only making his attacker more furious seeing as the tapping increased, the force of it enough to hurt.

"Angel, fucking wake up man. Breakfast starts in five minutes, I'm not in the mood for this shit." Tobi sounded frustrated now, his tone taking on one that showed he was mad at Angel.

It took a while for it to register, but when it did, Angel sprang out of his bed like a hyena whose tail was on fire.

Just five minutes? That could only mean two things, he slept through the bell, and now there was no time to shower.

Tobi flashed Angel an unimpressed look, so in order not to annoy him further, Angel permitted Tobi to leave without him. That instantly brought the smile back on Tobi's face as he skipped out of the room, mumbling something about missing his boyfriend's lips.

Despite being groggy from just waking up, Angel was sure he caught them making out on Tobi's bed when he came back from visiting Dwight the day before.

It hasn't even been up to twenty-four hours since then. Angel shook his head at his roommate's antics, before deciding that if he was going to have breakfast, he'd have to hurry the hell up.

Slipping on his freshly washed and ironed uniform, he put on some deodorant and a bit of cologne, exhaling in relief at the fact that he declined Diego's request to play basketball the day before—this of course occurred before he executed his plan for revenge.

At least he didn't have to go to class smelling like Tobi's socks.

He styled his hair into something half decent, then exited the room with his toothbrush and toothpaste.

He hurried his way over to the completely empty bathroom, and brushed his teeth in record time.

His already set school bag, which he was glad he had packed yesterday sat on his bed as he put on his dress shoes. He still hated those shoes, but nobody except Diego seemed keen on disrupting the school's dress code.

Heaving his bag over his shoulder, Angel speed walked his way out of his room and towards the dinning hall.

He was sure that he looked like a mess, what with him getting close to no sleep, but he didn't particularly care at the moment.

It was only when he was sat at his usual table, surrounded by the usual people that he allowed himself to reminsce yesterday's activities.

Diego hadn't arrived yet, so Angel was yet to gauge his reaction to the surprise he left him.

In the meantime he munched on his pancakes, the food helping to clear his dazed mind a bit.

And then five minutes later, Diego banged the door of the dinning room open, before stomping towards their table, the scowl on his face very prominent.

Diego slumped into the empty chair beside Nigel, seeing as Dwight was currently absent from the table. His food had been taken to him in the medical centre.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Idalgo asked offhandedly, receiving a sneer in return. He raised his hands in surrender, and went back to picking the raisins out of his bread. He then proceeded to spread some brand of butter all over it, because according to him, jam was disgusting.

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