Chapter 5

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"Well fuck!" He cursed under his breath. A string of profanities, muttered right in tow.

"Woah, amazing reflexes, man," a voice from the direction the chicken had come from, sang. He was one of the dudes having the food fight, and he had his opponent, in a playful headlock.

"Thanks?" Angel replied, more like asked, not liking that the eyes of about a hundred students were on him.

Toby faked a cough —or maybe cleared his throat, Angel couldn't tell— before speaking, "what are you people looking at, get back to you food," he ordered, and despite the fact that half the guys in the dinning hall could very matter-of-factly take him down, they didn't challenge his order.

"Perks of having a brute for a boyfriend," he whispered, giggling.

Angel rolled his eyes at that, he should have guessed, Dallas, had everything to do with it.

Toby grabbed Angel by the wrist, and steered him towards a table in direct view of the dinning's entrance. The door Angel and Toby came in through, was it's exit, as the brown skinned boy had explained.

He plopped Angel down by his shoulders, on one of double wooden seats, and turned to sit down on an empty single one.

Angel glanced at the seats confusedly, they were a rich brown that glimmered under the dinning's chandeliers. Despite the school's hobby of flaunting money, he noticed that they still preferred old school decorations, and that they used wood for almost everything.

The wooden seat was comfortable since it had maroon plushy materials, sewn to the seats and the backrests. Totally unlike Angel's former cafeteria seats, that gave him butt aches and back aches.

Once he was settled comfortably in the heavenly seat, he scanned the rectangular table curiously. There were only two people on it, excluding himself and Toby.

"Guys this is Angel," Toby introduced cutting his train of thoughts.

"Angel, this piece of human tomato is Idalgo, and the long-haired beauty is Fay," he introduced gesturing to a firetruck red haired freckled boy, and an olive skinned raven haired girl.

Angel stared blankly at them for a second, before deciding that it won't hurt to be polite, "hi," he greeted monotonously, not hiding the fact that he wanted no conversation of any sort.

But when have people ever read the right meaning to your actions.

"Hi, I'm Idalgo, as Toby already introduced, and I like your hair!" the redhead, squealed, reaching out to touch Angel's mass of naturally wavy, dark hair that seemed a dark blue in varying lighting. Some thing that always seemed a mixture of both his mom's and dad's hair colour. Angel thought genes distributed one of your parents characteristics to you, but apparently, that wasn't the case for him. His mom had pitch black hair, and his dad had platinum blonde hair (which he usually dyed dirty blonde because apparently, platinum blond wasn't considered 'manly')

Angel had to stop himself from flinching at Idalgo's harmless touch. He wasn't used to having this much human interaction.

Fay barely acknowledged Idalgo's fan-boying with a nod, although you could tell she too was curious.

"Is it natural," she finally asked.

"Yes," Angel replied and Idalgo's eyes widened comically.

"That's so cool," he exclaimed, twisting Angel's hair with his fingers.

"You know, I just assumed it was finely dyed dark blue hair, seeing as Asians have a knack for dying their hair. I-I don't mean that in a condensing way though, it's awesome that you guys do, Kai's hair used to be dyed on regular basis," Toby confessed, an embarrassed smile on his face. Angel could even spot a faint blush, despite his skin. Tobi seemed to think that Angel would pick offense at his words, he couldn't be more wrong.

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