Chapter 28

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"I want you all to dance in the coming talent show."

At first it was quiet, eerily quiet as they all let what Mrs Harrington had said sink it. And when it did, the protests broke out in full swing.

Angel watched as Mrs Harrington's office turned into a madhouse with the argument that ensued between students and principal.

Mrs Harrington wasn't even saying anything, she just kept watching them with that annoying glint of amusement in her eyes.

He on the other hand kept his mouth shut seeing as he was the reason for what was happening. It occurred sometime in the period spent in Mrs Harrington's office that this was exactly the kind of trouble his mom had warned him not to get into.

He'd broken his promise to her and as a result, he'd take whatever punishment Mrs Harrington out matted out to him so far as the information didn't reach his mother—even if though he felt immensely guilty that he'd pulled his friends into his mess.

When the noise was enough to bring down Crownswill's sturdy buildings to dust, principal Harrington quieted them down by hitting a gavel on her desk.

The sound that it made startled them into silence, with Tobi regaining his vocal cords first.

"Why do you even have that, because I'm pretty sure you're a highschool principal, not a judge," He asked and Mrs Harrington just shrugged, putting down the gavel.

Her spontaneous gavel hitting had also snapped Diego out of his staring contest. Was it even a staring contest if the person you were staring down, wasn't even looking at you.

Angel had felt Diego's eyes on him, and all it made him want to do was curl under a blanket and sleep.

Maybe without the blanket because Diego's gaze was heated enough to make Angel sweat despite the stark chill that had spread throughout the school.

When everywhere had been silent for a while, Nigel finally came up with a question that was incredibly smart, and would have been their way out of Mrs Harrington's plans, if she didn't already have it covered.

"But the talent show is next term, and besides, our exams start in two weeks," he stated, causing everybody's attention to drift towards him.

"It's a good thing then, you'd have approximately four months to practice enough not to embarrass yourselves on stage. The talent show is sometime in March, we're yet to fix a date."

At her words, all of them let out maddening groans, even Dallas who was hardly ever bothered by anything.

"Since you kids have zero knowledge in dancing, I'm not stupid enough to think that letting you practice on your own would suddenly give you guys magical dancing skills," she was already tapping on her desktop computer, in search of whatever information she needed.

"Then what are you going to do then?" Fay asked, her dark eyes narrowed.

"I'm going to pass the opportunity of a being a dance instructor, to someone I know who has always desired this position," she lifted her head away from the screen, and turned to stare at them. Angel wasn't sure what she saw in their expressions, but it was enough to get her speaking again.

"Don't you kids worry, I'm not employing some stuck up trainer to teach you classical dancing, although that is an option. To ease you all into the concept of dancing, I'll ask your classmate to do it. They are almost a  professional dancer, and have been instructing dance classes since they were fifteen. This school gives them nothing to work with, so they only instruct during the holidays. They are roommates with one of you, and their name is Zephyr."

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