Chapter 3

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"This is why I always urge you to set an alarm," Manow huffed as she struggled to drag her son's luggages to the check point. Angel was barely visible with the insane amount of items he was trying to juggle, all at once.

How cryptic that he would be stressed on the day he was flying out of the continent. Europe wasn't one of the places Angel dreamt to explore and that's saying something, because he dreamt a lot. A hidden passion of his was the prospect of exploring the planet. He would usually dream to go to places as big as Los Angeles, to places as rowdy as New York, even places as small as Canterbury. His first target continent had been Asia. Europe in general, was fairly on his mind though, but Belgium in particular, had always been far from it. He new nothing about Belgium, except for the country's name obviously.

He pushed back his minds anonymous judgement and went back to focusing on the task at hand.

After a lot of hustle and bustle, mostly done by Manow, Angel was finally handed a flight ticket.

"Do you think you have everything?" Manow asked looking at her son who was sat beside her.

"Mom, I'm going to a school for delinquents. I don't need to have everything."

"What do you mean?" Manow asked in utter confusion. Which was funny because after seventeen years, you'd think she knew Angel well enough.

"I can always borrow whatever I don't have Mom," Angel replied so innocently Manow almost believed him, she would've if she wasn't the one who pushed his nine pounds ass out of her womb. Looks like she knows her son well enough after all.

"By borrow you mean steal don't you?" Manow sighed not even bothering to wait on Angel's answer. Angel on the other hand, went ahead to shrug nonchalantly in response.

He knew it would never come to that. Stealing from kids like him was on a whole new level of embarrassing. He didn't mind swiping from thrift stores here and there, but that was it. His actions were all in the game of fueling his reputation.

Maybe his dad had heard of him.

Would he be proud, Angel wanted to ask, but shrugged the thought out of his mind.

"Don't forget to call me when you get there Angel. Stay out of harms way, and please don't let violence be the answer," Manow lectured, violently shaking his shoulders towards the end of her speech.

"Whatever mom," Angel replied with an eye roll but Manow wasn't having any of it.

"I'm serious Angel! I don't know what I'd do if you get expelled again." Manow's voice was a haunting whisper towards the end, it made Angel's skin crawl.

"You could always become a truck driver though, you damn well swear like one anyway," Manow added, as a consolation of some sort to herself. Angel scowled but held his tongue. His Mom could be a fucking hypocrite sometimes.

The intercom announced that the plane would be leaving in ten minutes, so Angel got up to join the cue of people walking into the plane.

Manow stopped him before he could get much further, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you my little Son Chai," she whispered. Angel's heart constricted at the sound of her sniffles. His hear was beginning to feel damp, and it had everything to do with the woman hovering over him. He felt hellish for being the cause of her pain.

Just this once, he'll let himself say it. He'd probably be seeing her next, in three to four months from now so it wouldn't hurt, he wouldn't be called a pussy for being expressive just this once. He won't be termed as weak.

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