Chapter 32

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Diego was still ignoring Angel, infact, it was even worse than usual. He doesn't even spare him a glance, and he seemed perfectly content in ignoring his existence.

Hence, why Angel was contemplating his life choices. Today was Wednesday, meaning that Angel and Diego had only two days to wrap up their project.

Thing is, there was absolutely nothing to wrap up. They'd not even been in contact with each other, enough for Angel to deduce any one of Diego's secrets.

They'd gone from not speaking to each other, to barely being able to breathe in the same room as one another. Of course, it was mostly Diego doing the avoiding, but sometimes even Angel avoided Diego to spare both of them the awkwardness.

Their friends were definitely suspicious although they refrained from saying anything. Either way, there was nothing they could say, none of them suspected Angel to be responsible for Diego's shaved head—it had started showing signs of growth on it though.

Angel felt both good and bad that his friends trusted him enough not to be suspicious. He honestly already felt like a first class asshole for the prank he pulled, he didn't need any extra drilling or reprimanding regarding it.

He was beating himself up more than anybody ever could.

Angel knew he should just up and apologize, but he had too much pride in him to admit that he was wrong and at fault.

After all, he had initially been happy at Diego's embarrassment. But when it started to seem that Diego was more hurt at the fact that it was Angel who pranked him, rather than the prank itself, Angel started to feel remorse.

And that thing Diego said about Angel breaking his trust, it hurt like a bitch.

And in total, Angel felt like shit.

But he wanted a good grade in psychology. He was taking his studies seriously for the first time in a while, and was aiming to have no grade less than a B–. He could already picture his mom's proud face. Angel couldn't let Diego ruin it all just because of a petty argument between them. Okay maybe it wasn't petty, and Angel was really a resident asshole, but still . . . .

So seeing as it didn't look like him and Diego were patching it up anytime soon, ever really, Angel was beginning to consider something jeopardizing.

He was beginning to consider Zephyr's second solution to his probable F—if he didn't do something quickly.

Of course Zephyr's first solution had been for Angel to apologize, but it's been stated why that wasn't going to work.

The second had been to raid the drawer connected to sweet Mrs Davis' desk, and take a glimpse at the student files in it.

It was an invasion of privacy, a complete dick move, and one that might kick him out of Crownswill, but he was out of options.

Ones that wouldn't step on his pride anyway.

Angel knew these were dangerous waters he was venturing into, but he couldn't find it in himself to give as much fucks as he should.

He knew his faux nonchalant attitude would come back to bite him in the ass though.

Angel was currently observing his free period, which was also the last period of the day, in the library.

They weren't allowed to use their phones during school hours, so Angel had nothing better to do other than read an interesting looking novel he had found in a shelf somewhere.

It was titled honeymoon, by an author named James Patterson—he was sure he'd heard that name somewhere. And it was only spurring Angel on regarding his decision to sneak a peek at Diego's files.

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