"Are you ready dad?" Luna smiled.

"Never." He opened the door. Luna stopped, no wards were there hiding her from the public. And in her twenty year long life, she had never actually left the house through this door. "But I made a promise to your mother."

"Yes you did, and let her fly there herself." Feyre said and walked out.

"Is that a good idea? To reveal her having wings?" Rhys said. Luna hesitated. The open back of her dress would allow for wings, but she had not planned on flying.

"I don't want to mess up my hair." She just said back. Not long after the powerful beats of Illyrian wings was heard and Luna saw her brother and his two friends landing outside of the door.

"You want a lift?" Nyx said opening his arms for her. Luna just walked into her brothers arms and held him close. Last time she had seen him, just as he returned form the Rite he had been covered in blood and dirt. Even if all visible injuries had been healed, the remains of them had still been there. But before that. It had been Winter solstice. She had been thirteen, and he had told them that he was going to stay in Windhaven until after the Rite. "I will take that as a yes."

"Gina? Can you take Evalyn?" Feyre asked behind them. Knowing how Evalyn was uncomfortable with males.

"My pleasure." Both Gina and Noel had a ceremonial version of the typical fighting leathers. And Luna nodded at the five dark green stones that decorated Ginas. Noel had two light blue,

He is powerful, but a softy. She heard Nyx say in her head.

Really? What are you then? He picked her up.

Me? I am just a powerful three quarter Illyrian with the same powers as a High Lord. He made a loop around the city.

Just that? Luna leaned her head back. If Noel is the softy, and by the look in Gina's eyes I guess she is just as wild as Cassian. Then who are you in the group?

I am the one who holds Gina back, and forces Noel forward. Nyx replied and changed course to the House of Wind. And you?

I am the one making sure Evalyn doesn't lock herself in, and the one making sure Kira comes home at night. Not fully true, they had never had a real night out. But soon, once Evalyn could go out.

I see. Nyx landed. Glad to see you again sister. Soon the others landed, and Luna looked over to Evalyn, who looked like she was about to puke.

"Not used to flying?" Kira asked her.

"Not used to being high up... I just need a moment." Evalyn bent over, putting her hands on her knees.

"Not all of us are used to flying." Luna said out loud looking over to Kira.

"Why have you never taken us flying?" Her friends only said. "That was amazing!"

"Well... It might have something to do with the fact that I have not been allowed to leave the house however I wanted." Luna started.

"Doesn't matter!" Kira shoted.

"You have wings?" Gina asked.

"Yes, but let's stay quiet about that for the time being." Luna said back, turning to Kira. "That applies to you too."

"Yea yea!" Kira walked over to look out over Velaris from the House of Wind. "Evalyn, come!" The three friends stood along the railing looking out over the city beneath them.

"It's truly amazing." Noel said and walked up behind them. "Why have you been living in secret?"

"If you truly want to know, it was because no one new I existed." Luna only said in return. "Let's Go inside." She took the lead, walking into the grand hall. Music was already playing and some had started to dance. And for the first time, Luna got nervous. She stopped, taking in the scene. So many people, people she didn't know or knew her. Nyx walked straight ahead, passing over the dance floor. Gina and Noel on either side of him. But Luna stood still, all of a sudden feeling exposed in her dress. The bare skin showing of the markings. An arm wrapped around hers on both sides. Kira and Evalyn smiled at her.

A Court of Love and FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz